Happy New Year's

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I was clear and let my family know before I arrived that I would not be spending New Year's eve with them the way I usually do to be with Henry, yet they still expected me to stay with them. More specifically, my mom and dad did. I stayed until the twenty-ninth with mom and dad. Although mom had the ability to make me feel as though I should stay with them, I left after explaining that even though I enjoyed being with her and dad that I could not stay he could not come because of my own repentance process; and that we wanted to see each other before the year was over. She eventually understood but was sad to see me go. Mom, though very thoughtful and reasonable, could not hide her disappointment no matter what the situation. Her, and dad dropped me off at the airport. I remained at the airport long enough to manage a lengthy conversation with Henry about our plans for New Year's eve. The plans entailed an evening with the Allen's, Millie, and Edward, Maggie who apparently was now dating someone she had met while visiting a friend in London, John, and for some reason Daniel. It was hard not to think about what he would say or act. I could not stop thinking about how I would act around him when I saw him again. I racked my brain thinking about it while on the plane until the first stop. I called Henry while at the airport in Madrid where I stayed for two hours because of a layover. He asked me how I was feeling as he did nowadays every time we talked. I explained that I felt a bit nauseated at the moment. I recalled that he did not want me to give many details, so I spared him those. He expressed his remorse for not being with me. I calmly reassured him that I was and would be fine and that I could not wait to see him. He was not at ease. I could sense his exasperation with me for traveling without him, but I did not let it get to me, so I shifted the conversation as far away from that topic by asking him about what place he decided on to spend New Year's Eve after we left the Allen's home. He said he found just the right spot but that he wanted it to be a surprise. I asked if he was surprising everyone or just me. He replied that he wanted to surprise me with it, so I did not push it and was excited because I had always enjoyed surprises- the unknown and unexpected. By the time it was time to board the flight, we were finished with our conversation. As I boarded the plane, I realized that Henry was recently exhibiting some qualities and behaviors that I had not seen before. It was as if me being pregnant made him more preoccupied with my well-being and of what I did. He gave his opinion more freely and cautioned me about everything which he did not do before. As I thought about this, I understood that as the father of the little being growing inside of me, he would show his concern and that he would of course want to have some control of what happened to me and the baby. I reasoned that it was natural for him to do so and believed that he did it out of the intention to act on his concern and the inability to do anything else about it. The next stop at Heathrow Airport in London had a 22 hour and 20 minute layover, so I had to find a place to sleep. This frustrated Henry when I told him about it. Incapable of doing anything else, Henry argued that I should have let him pay for the one way ticket, so that I did not have to go through one day layovers. I explained that I was fine and that I was used to it having done so several years now. I told him there was nothing to worry about. He was not put at ease and asked all kinds of questions. I could tell from the sound of his voice that he was livid. He did not hang up the phone to make sure that he knew that I was in a safe place, but when I made it to the hotel we stayed on the phone until I insisted that I needed to go to bed. He called me again before boarding the plane. His incessant checking up on me was beginning to irritate me. Calmly, I tried to convince him that it was unnecessary to check on me constantly. Unwillingly, he hung up the phone so that I could eat my breakfast without holding the phone. After many hours of waiting around and flying. I met Henry at the Jersey airport. An expression of concern spread over his face when I saw him but it dissipated once he held me in his arms.

-" You do not know how relieved I am to see you home." When he said that a part me

realized that he was home for me and that even though Jersey had become my home for the past five years, it would not be the same if I did not have him in my life. It was a realization that hit me in the center of my core, leaving me to dismantle the home I created in this place which had become so dear. No matter how I felt about the place and the people, it did not matter as much as Henry did. My home was not Mexico nor Jersey. He was. His arms wrapped around me and my face against his chest was my home. The place of residence was subjective and was just that, not more. He, Henry, was the home that I had been looking for my whole life, even though he pestered me about my flight arrangements and with questions of assurance to ease his own mind, I did not reply right away and relished in his warm embrace. Thinking upon my realization, I breathed.

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