On a sweet note

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I wake up the next morning to Henry's assistant at my house telling me that I need to get dressed and ready to go. As soon as I start to ask why, she states that I need to be ready to go with her to accompany Henry to the interview as soon as possible. I have to sit there with his assistant and a few bodyguards in the hospitality room of the set watching through a television.  A very beautiful and professional lady with short straight hair and a pink skirt and blazer appears on the screen explaining who is visiting today and what sort of questions they'll be addressing. When the audience hears Henry's name they scream and holler with excitement and glee. It is obvious that he has many fans. He walks through a door and then towards her as he shakes his hand hello to everyone on the stage and smiles brightly.  The audience eventually stops screaming and the lady begins the interview. 

Interviewer: Henry, thank you for being here today. I know many things are being said and spread all over the internet and although you made many things clear on you last IG post we are glad to have you here with us to clarify it in person. 

Henry: Thank you for having me. It is a pleasure being here and able to tell my side of the story, as you stated, in person. 

Interview: First things first, and I know you have posted it, but who is she and how did you meet?

Henry: Her name is Alejandra Montenegro and she lives in my neighborhood in Jersey. We bumped into one another one day as she was making her way to her house, and I was trying to get my cardio in for the day. She was carrying some groceries; I saw that she needed help with them, so I offered to help her with them. One thing led to another, and we started dating.

Interviewer: Right. You mentioned in your post that you always knew that she was the one. Can you explain how you knew that?

Henry: She has always been herself. Since the day that we met, she was very forthcoming and not afraid to tell me her opinions without being aggressive about them. She is very passionate about what she loves and who she loves. She is an amazing person, and she compliments me. I knew she was the one because from that very first instance of helping her I wanted to be the one to always help her with anything as she does the same for me. I understand now what people mean when they say that when you know you know because it is true. I just knew I wanted her by my side always; I always knew that I wanted to be there for her and her for me. If that makes sense.

The audience goes aww and claps vigorously. 

Interviewer: Completely.  It is true that when you know you know because it just hits you one day. 

Henry: Exactly.

Interviewer: So, when exactly did you ask her on a date?

Henry: Aah, that's the funny part. See, when I first took her out it was not a date per se. We saw each other after we had met at the zoo where she works while I was visiting my adopted bat. She had to help me get to it while she was supposed to be on her break, so when we were done with Ben, the bat, I took her to get some food. That evening I asked her for an official date.

Interviewer: Right after going out to eat together? That soon?

Henry laughs and the audience applauds and some men even shout, "Yeah!" He looks at them for a few seconds as he is laughing and turns back to the interviewer. 

Henry: Yes, but again is that feeling of not wanting to wait when you will see them again you know; and being in this sort of place where you do not know whether you will see them again, so you have to do what you must to make sure that you are with that person as often as possible because their presence to you means that much to you. Automatically, almost as soon as we met truly, I felt an immediate necessity to be around her. 

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