3 - Rock and hard place

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Forty-five minutes late, Leo finally arrived at work. Claudia, the receptionist, looked at him sympathetically. "Tough morning?"

"New nanny."

Her eyes widened. "Again?" She shook her head. "Kids today."

Claudia had raised her children, but Leo had a long way to go. "Riley promised she'll like this one."

Leo grew anxious about his hasty decision to leave a virtual stranger with full access to his house and children. He had officially lost it. His life defined rock and a hard place. Riley liked her. The agency refused to send any more nannies. He had to work.

When he walked into his office, his assistant, Chelsea, was scrolling through her phone. He asked, "What did I miss?"

She waved her hand. "Nothing, it's been quiet. Just some guy, Niko Vi-til-ass called."

"Nik Vitalis! I've been waiting to hear from him."

"Well, you did." She handed him a slip of paper.

He was the studio exec he had been pitching Matthew Clark's books to for a movie deal. Was it good news he had called so early west coast time?

He dialed his number. "Nik, it's Leo."

"Hey. How are you? I've got news."

"Go ahead."

"I've got a producer and screenplay writer interested. How about you and your author come out for some meetings?"

"Yeah. I'll check his availability. How soon?"

"Within the next few weeks. These guys are fickle. If something better comes along."

"I get it. You'll hear from me soon."

He hung up. Oh shit! He knew a trip was coming but not so soon.

He set to work trying not to think about his problems. A tapping sound caused him to look up.

Zach Steele stood in his doorway. "Lunch?"

Leo shook his head. "I'll order in. I was late."

His friend sat down in front of him. "What was up with that?"


Zach said, "Diane?"

Leo said, "No, you're way behind. I'll take a break if you want to order something and eat together in your office."

"Should I ask Lilli?"

Leo nodded. "I need her perspective, but tell her no Chipotle." Lilli would eat it every day. On the west coast it wasn't considered Mexican, but Lilli grew up in Maine.

Lilli and Zach were a couple but kept it quiet. They suspected Claudia knew, but she wouldn't say anything. She enjoyed watching the soap opera. Most of the young assistants were her kids' ages, so she mothered them.


Leo nodded. "Let me know when it arrives."

Thirty minutes later he sat in Zach's office with a greasy pie in front of them. Lilli bit into a piece. She wasn't a girl who worried about what she ate.

He told his story and Lilli stopped with her slice and inch from her mouth. "You asked a stranger to be your nanny."

His heart sped. "She looks innocent enough. She dresses very conservative like an old woman."

Zach asked, "How old is she?"

Leo shrugged. "Younger than she looks. Maybe thirty ish."

Lilli said, "Whoa! Don't the crazies on Criminal Minds always look innocent and prim and proper?"

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