34 - Belong

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On Sunday morning, the sun didn't brighten the kitchen. The forecast called for rain and they were having Zach and Lilli. Leo had acted strange after Isla admitted to finding Zach attractive. How could she tell him she preferred him over Zach? She often wondered what would happen if she told him she could overlook his divorce.

Leo appeared looking sleepy with messed up hair and absolutely adorable. She wanted to hug him and feel the comfort of his arms. Unfortunately, her problem would get worse not better with a simple hug.

She watched as he poured his coffee. "Are you mad at me?"

He whipped his head to look at her. "No. Why would I be?"

"What I said about Zach."

"No. It makes me sad that I'm out of the running."

"What running?"

He looked at her. His brown eyes looked darker on the gray day. "To pursue you. I don't want to watch you fall for another guy."

"Fall for. I'm not sure I can."

"Cause Zach's taken?"

She laughed. "That was a joke, right?" He shrugged. "We didn't have humor at the convent. Sometimes, I miss when you're joking."

He looked at her. "Riley thinks you should be Cody's mother."

She felt a sharp pain in her heart. "See another joke."

He shook his head. "I had to lie and tell her I only liked you as a friend."

"A friend."

"But I agree with my daughter."

Isla's hand shook. "You do. I'm not like that woman. I wouldn't know how to be." She would never be like the women in the books, bold and sexy and unafraid.

"Thank God! I understand what being with you would mean."


"A wedding first."

Isla felt dizzy. "Please stop talking. It doesn't help to talk about something that can never happen."

His eyes dulled as he frowned. "I know, but beware of Riley."

Isla had trouble concentrating at Mass. Typically, the children sat between her and Leo, but somehow they ended up on either side of them. The intoxicating scent of just showered Leo swirled around her. She brushed his hand, and he locked fingers for a quick squeeze before letting go. She felt angry with God for allowing a fall to ruin the family, but without Leo's decisions following the accident, Isla would still be at the shelter. Things happen for a reason. Was there a reason she and Leo should be apart? Did she love him enough to give up her source of comfort and purpose for so much of her life, her faith, the Church?

The weather had affected everyone's mood. Even easygoing Cody was impatient and cried over his Legos. Riley hid in front of the TV and Leo complained about the whining voice on her show. Isla retreated into her own sad mood in the basement. It felt too painful to read about love, so she focused on her word searches. She told herself not to feel guilty, because Sunday was her day off.

A knock at her door startled her, and her hand jagged as she attempted to circle a word. Her heart pounded at the second knock. She smoothed her shirt as she walked to the door. Riley would have called her name as she knocked. Isla opened the door to see Lilli's smile.

"I thought you might be taking a nap."


Lilli looked around her. "Cute room. Do you like it?"

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