35 - Home

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A/N I am having a Wattpad bug. These words should be bolded. If anyone does not see them bolded please let me know. Thanks.

Leo was living in a fantasy world. His plan to have a friendship with Isla without a physical relationship kept failing. Poor Isla didn't understand. He suspected her crying over lobster wasn't about lobster at all. It didn't stop him from wanting to take her to the beach.

He shut his eyes, as the train sped out of Boston. The memory of spooning her came back to him. For days, he couldn't shake the feeling of her against him. His dreams were the only place for his fantasies to live.

Once he stepped off the train, he tried to focus on his children. Summer was on the downhill slide. School started in two weeks and Riley wanted new clothes and a backpack.

Before he missed Autumn, he said, "Maybe Isla can take you."

"Without Lilli?" Riley sounded excited about it.

"Isla, Are you up to the task?"

She nodded. "I think so."

"Good, because I'm not."

"Oh, Dad!" Riley laughed. "Shopping is fun."

Isla laughed, and Leo smiled at the cheerful sound. Riley spent the evening badgering Isla until she agreed to take them shopping the next day. Cody was less enthusiastic, but he needed clothes too.

"We'll start at Target. I need cleaning supplies. I buy my clothes there."

Leo stepped in before his daughter begged for mall brands. "Your budget will go further."

Riley gulped. "Budget?"

"Yup. I'm not made of money."

Leo wasn't poor but raising two kids was expensive. He had college funds and his own retirement to contribute to. He traded Autumn's income for the nanny expense. Luckily, his income had increased and the film deal had given him a nice commission to tuck away. He considered using some of it for a used car, but liked his family waiting for him at the station.

The following day, Riley bounced around the backseat talking about her purchases. Isla and Cody looked tired.

"I wanted to swim," the boy complained.

Leo looked at Isla. "Did you have time to cook?"

"Yes, but not swim." Isla frowned.

"Dad, can I swim."

Leo looked out the window. "It looks like a storm."

Leo liked to watch a summer storm. The way everything turned darker, and the wind blew as a warning. Then the rain would start and the rumble of thunder. Counting until the lightning flashed told him how far he was from the center of the storm.

Riley said, "Cody, we can swim tomorrow. Right, Isla?"

"If the weather is nice."

Leo looked at his weather app. "High seventies after storms tonight."

The first drops of rain had fallen as they reached the house. "Hurry up, everyone." Leo jumped out and opened Cody's door behind him.

Riley screeched as they ran. A few moments later the sky opened up a downpour and a booming thunderclap. Leo looked out the window over the kitchen sink waiting for the lightning.

Isla scurried around him putting dinner on the table as he counted. He jumped when she touched his shoulder blade. Turning to her, she said, "Are you planning to change?"

He looked down at his work clothes and nodded. "I'll be right back."

Another thunder came when he was in his room. It sounded louder. He threw on a tee and shorts and returned in his bare feet. The other three were at the table.

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