10 - Sunday

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Isla felt less comfortable on weekends with the entire family home. On Saturday morning, she sat down and wrote out a grocery list. When Leo appeared disheveled looking for coffee, she looked away. She fell asleep with the flowery scent he brought home stuck inside her nose. The same scent had filled the kitchen on Sunday. His meeting hadn't been about work at all. She felt disappointed in him, but it was none of her business. Except Riley had brought her friend Lucy to meet Isla and shared her dislike for Ryan's mom. Isla's bigger worry was becoming homeless again. The longer she was away from the shelter, the less willing she was to go back. Maybe Marcia would take her in?

Leo no longer smelled of flowers, but fresh soap. Isla liked it much better. She cleared her throat. "I'm making a shopping list. If it's okay with you, I'll take the car this morning."

He nodded. "I have a delivery coming. Lilli and Zach will be here all day tomorrow. Lilli usually cooks. I'll text her to see what her plans are, but you deserve a day off."

She had Thursday night off, but he reminded her she prepared a meal. "Will you add to my list?"

He looked over her shoulder. "After breakfast I'm starving. I'll make pancakes." She turned to protest. He held up a hand. "I enjoy doing it, and they aren't half bad."

She nodded. Her mouth felt dry. He stood close, and when she turned around, he was in her space. She turned back so she could breathe. "I'll clean up the mess."

"We make a good team. I think this first week has gone well. Do you agree?"

She swallowed. "Yes, much better than where I was."

His soft voice caused her to turn to see his brown eyes focused on her. "I'm very glad."

He measured out a dry mixture and then held up the box. "Add this to your list."

She wrote and looked up. "What would you like for dinner tonight?"

"It's movie night. Something easy and fun."


"Something we can do together, like make your own pizza or a taco bar."

"Those aren't my specialties."

He laughed. "They're mine. I'll write out what we need and show you how. I vote for tacos."

Isla nodded, but she hadn't had a taco since her foster home days. She remembered days of food running out before she served herself. Her place in life was last in line. Someone had to be and Jesus said, 'the first will be last and the last will be first'.

A plate appeared in front of her. "You get the first batch." He turned to the refrigerator and took out the syrup. She used the side of her fork to cut off a bite. When she tasted it, her eyes sought his. "Mmm."

He smiled brightly. "Glad you like them. As much as I enjoy some quiet adult time, it's time to wake the troops."

His remark sent her firmly back to reality. Discussing the menu had lured her into feeling comfortable. She remembered the real adult time was the kind he had the previous evening. It wasn't her business who he spent time with. She sighed and focused on the children when they appeared looking sleepy.

The day flowed first she shopped and later he went out. He spent time fixing Cody's bike. Once it was done, the three went on a bike ride. Leo insisted they work side by side preparing dinner. His presence unnerved her. She felt uneven and wobbly inside. Somehow for movie night, neither of the children sat between her and Leo. Feeling distracted by the seating arrangements and not overly interested in the Lego people on the screen, she went into the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea.

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