41 - Sorry

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Leo slumped onto the sofa with a thump. Exhaustion didn't describe how he felt. Even with a newborn or immediately after the accident, he hadn't felt as depleted. Aside from the events of the previous days, he had also been afraid to sleep. How could he have a nightmare with Cody next to him? He had to protect his son at all costs.

His mother was the last to enter the hotel suite. She had been so strong supporting him since his parents arrived the day after Autumn passed. His father sat down at the other end of the sofa.

"It was a very nice service. I'm proud of you, son."

Leo felt too weak to nod. Cody climbed onto his lap. Autumn's son felt like a blanket for his battered heart. Riley sat between them and leaned against her granddad. She had handled the events better than Leo.

She told her maternal grandmother that she wouldn't miss her mother more or less. "She stopped doing my hair and hugging me a long time ago. I do my own hair now."

It was true. Even when she struggled she never let Leo or the nanny take care of it.

Leo shut his eyes. His mother-in-law had been gracious to him after the emotions of the first night. He brought her grandchildren to her, and she didn't exclude Leo from the planning. Hopefully, Autumn would forgive him for so many things, divorcing her, Reagan. He cringed. Isla's influence made him regret cheating on Autumn. He hoped his wife would understand his decision to not fight her mother one last time. His wife's shell had been placed in the ground rather than sprinkled among nature. They celebrated Autumn's life in her mother's church which she had hated. Leo allowed all of it in exchange Percy convinced his mother to include Leo as her husband in the obituary. She also allowed Leo to speak. Percy again reminded her how Leo had been her best friend.

Eulogizing his wife was harder than the toughest negotiation. He stood in front of some old friends and strangers, but directed his words to his children. There was a sense of closure in celebrating her life. He didn't speak about what came after her fall and knew it was the first of many times he would share with Riley and Cody.

His mother whispered to Isla who nodded. Maggie turned around. "Is anyone hungry?"

There had been food at the reception following the burial. Leo hadn't eaten anything. He didn't notice if his kids had. Was he hungry? He had eaten very little since Percy's call.

Riley said, "Me."

Maggie said, "Leo?"

"I can try. I'm exhausted."

"I know. The children are going to have a sleepover in our suite tonight so you can rest."

He felt some tension leave his body. Except to shower, he hadn't been alone in days. Maybe food and rest was exactly what he needed. Isla busied herself in the kitchen area. She had been a godsend, but except for the first day he could have left her at home. She hadn't visited the maternal grandparents with them, but she had attended the funeral and sat at the end next to his father. The children sat between him and his mother.

As he took a plate from his mother, his stomach growled. It was the first time he felt hungry. He kept telling himself he would be fine when they returned home. Thankfully, their flight was the next day. No one spoke as they ate. A knock at the door broke the silence and caused him to jump.

His mother answered, and he was surprised to see Percy with his mother. Cody had been chanting their room number 3-2-1. The older woman looked around the room. Leo wondered what she saw. The sofa was cramped with two men and Riley eating. Cody sat at the small table with his mother. Isla stood at the counter.

Leo put his plate down and summoned the energy to stand. Percy approached and grabbed his shoulder. "Man, you look like shh..."

Leo shrugged and turned to the other guest. She looked older in the past two days, and had aged about ten years in the past three. "I wanted to say goodbye to my grandchildren and speak to you for a moment."

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