Vance Hopper

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It's 3am on a school night and your bored out of your mind. You're thinking about a gift to make for your boyfriend Vance since his birthdays coming up, but he's just so picky . He's the hardest person to shop for I mean you want to buy him something nice but he's totally punk rock so you can't decide on what you're gonna get him. Then it hits you. A NECKLACE. I mean he's been wanting to wear jewelry for a long time but all of the things he finds are crappy and to boring for his liking.(like I said VERY PICKY🙄) And you like making handcrafted jewelry out of yarn you find in your very messy house. So Ofc you have to make him one. It's not like you had anything better to do. You pick out the green yarn because it's his favorite color. You start making the necklace while cozy in your bed watching the movie 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' something your friend Robin recommended you to watch a couple days back. By the time you finish the making the necklace it was 4:30. It's not like you cared tho, you usually stayed up till five watching horror movies cause its just so ...Perfect. You stared at the necklace for a while with a disgusted look on your face. The necklace was just so boring. You looked around your room for stuff to put on you necklace when a black bead with a white flower print on it caught your eye. It was perfect for his necklace. You finish making the necklace by adjusting its size and making it look perfect cause you're a total perfectionist ✨. You place it in a small wooden box you made a few years back while also bored in the middle of the night with nothing else to do . You decide to paint the box black with big white letters in the front of it saying "Your Old" cause you're a person with an imaculent sense of humor. By the time you finish with all of that the movie ended and you start slowly falling asleep.

Time skip cause I'm not good at this stuff

You're walking to school with your siblings(or friends if ur an only child) while humming the happy birthday song cause today was the big day. Today was Vance Hoppers Birthday. You drop your siblings off at school(if you have some) and go back on ur walk to school. You see your best friends y/f/n and y/other/f/n forming a circle in front of the school. You walk up to them being the chismosa you are and to your "surprise" you say robing beating up this kid. You found it totally bada$$ and being the supportive friend you are you start hyping ur boy robing up.
"Beat his a$$ Robin" "mátalo"(which translates to kill him) we're just some of the things you shouted out. You were laughing ur a$$ off with your friends when you realized it was getting kinda late and you needed to get to school before you get a tardy slip AGAIN.

You guys were laughing so loud the birds hanging on the trees flew away. When you reached the entrance of school you guys hurried to class after hearing the bell ring. Your first class was with NONE of your friends. You sat alone in the back near the window listening to Mr. Smith rant about how much he misses his ex-wife/the vice principal. You found a pencil on the ground and started drawing the most random stuff on your desk. Just then you heard the bell ring . Your next class was with Finney and Robin.You and robing were making fun of finney cause of how much he LOVES Donna(or danna idk I forgot sorry) when finney retaliated and started making fun of you and how much you love ur bf Vance. Then you remembered about the necklace you made him and took it out from your backpack to show them. They found it absolutely hilarious that you stayed up all night making some gift for the same dude who beat up a poor kid for Interfering with his pinball game. You told him to shut up and then the bell rang. This time it was free period and you got to see Vance and give him his gift. He approached you at you locker saying in a cocky tone "I'm waitingggg" "for?" You said in an even cockier tone "shut up" he said while slightly giggling ."fineee, happy birthday chulo" you said while giving him a peck on the cheek. "And where's my gift?" "Bold of you to assume I actually got you a gift" I said while furrowing my eyebrows. He took my backpack and looked threw it to find ...nothing? "If you didn't buy me a gift you might as well take me somewhere nice" "I'm broke so no ,but good thing I did in fact 'buy' you a gift" " well then give me the gift or I give you a new boyfriend" "haha real funny"you said in a sarcastic tone. You dig into you pockets and pulled out the box which contained his gift. "how sweet you got me a necklace you found on the side of the road" you scoffed and his snarky comment but he did insist you put it in him since he rlly likes gifts. He's been wearing it everyday since you gave it to him and you absolutely adore the way it looks on him.

AHHHH Okay so this is my first chapter!!! Please give me some recommendations I rlly need them. And yes Ik this one's crappy I made it in a rush cause I'm tired and it's like 3 in the morning. Tbh this one has a lot of spelling mistakes so sorry about that but yea please keep reading❤️

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