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A/n im gonna be doing this for every show and maybe I'll do it for people who I just find interesting!

Kenny wu: You noticed him painting a picture of your favorite artists best selling album. "You have an amazing taste of music my guy" "why thank you stranger I just met" "sad you don't know my name hockey boy" "let me guess. You look like a Sarah. Is your name Sarah?" "Out of all the names you decide to tell me I look like a Sarah? Really?" "Well you do!!!" You both chuckled and continued talking. By the end of it you did end up telling him your name and you two kept in touch ever since.

Jesse hall: your parents were friends since high school so you guys were kinda forced too become friends. Best. decision. ever.

Adam banks: you two were and still are neighbors. You two met when he was taking out the trash and you were getting the mail. You guys decided to play one round of street hockey and when you guys went back inside it was already 8:30. Now it's a ritual ti play street hockey together every time you two see each other outside.

Charlie Conway: you were looking for a side job so you could save up money to buy your little sister/brother a birthday present. You decided to take the interview for the diner  Charlie's mom works for. Everything went well you got the job and saw Charlie there everyday. A couple weeks later you saw Charlie and his friends at the diner It was Charlie Adam Averman and Jesse table that you had to look after. After taking their order you heard them talking about how the whole time Charlie was blushing crazy about having to talk to you. You decided to be bold and wrote your number on the tab once they were done eating. "Call me" and with that you scurried off to take care of another table. At the end of the night you walked home in the pouring rain when suddenly you got a call. It was Charlie. "Hello?" "Oh uh hi it's me Charlie from the diner!" "Well hello there Charlie" you two spoke for hours until your next shift started at the movie theaters. You two saw eachother at school and started talking every day. (Idk how I feel about this one but yeaaa)

Dwayne Robertson: You two met at a rodeo. He asked for your number and ofc you gave it too him. How could you say no to his little southern accent. You two talk every night before bed. EVERY. NIGHT. NO EXCEPTIONS

Guy Germaine: both of you met while shopping for rings. He started rambling in about how nice this skull one would look on you and you started talking about how it looked better in him. You ended up buying it and you slipped it into his hoodie pocket on his way out with a note containing your number. You two ended up sharing the ring🫶 (u two trade every time you see eachother!!!)

Connie: You both were shopping for clothes and she dropped something you picked it up and handed it to her. "Ahhhh thank you so much. OMG you'd look so cute in this!" She pointed at a green crop top with pink hearts all over it. You two laughed and then started shopping together. You two walked home together and found out you two both like to play hockey. She ended up enrolling you into the team. You guys were like besties ever since that day😭

Julie:You two were dared to kiss eachother in kindergarten because a rumor got out that both of you liked girls. You two became really really really close after that

Fulton reed: you two were put as dance partners for a school dance back in third grade. You guys became close and now it's like you two are two little cherries.

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