Rory Keaner

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Tonight was the last day before summer break. Me and my best friends since forever, Sarah and Erica, are planning a party before we all head our separate ways, well mostly just Sarah and Erica. Sure, it was only the end of 9th grade, but most of us were moving schools, states, and some are even moving countries. We decided on having the party at Erica's house because her parents aren't home till next week and her house is HUGE.

"Y/nnnnnnnn, my loveeeeee, you should like totally invite ur brother and his hot friends" said Erica.

Erica has a giant crush on my brother, y/b/n, but she had an even bigger crush on ALL of his friends.

"NO WAY! THEYRE LIKE 18" I respond , a little weirded out at the fact she has a crush on LEGAL ADULTS.

"Pleaseeeee" both Erica and Sarah beg.

"I'll ask him, BUT ONLY ONCE, so if he says no you will have to respect that"

"THANK YOU Y/N/N" said Sarah
"YOURE THE BEST" proclaimed Erica

I started flipping through the old Playgirl magazine Erica had on her desk. It was vintage and that's the stuff I liked. Retro, yk?

"GUYS GOOD NEWS, WELL JUST GOOD NEWS FOR Y/N" Yelled the tall blonde as she jumped off of her fluffy pink carpet and walked to the bed where both the vampire and the y/e/c were sitting.

"WHATS THE GOOD NEWS?!?!" Y/n asked, excited yet confused on why the good news was only for her.

"Let me guess, Rory's coming to the party?!" Sarah asked already knowing the good news.

"How did you know?" Asked Erica.

"If it's good news for Y/n it's most likely something about her boyfriend"

"RORY IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND" yells the y/h/c.

"You sureeeee??" "I mean the way you look at him is soooo" both Erica and Sarah say.

"NO WAY, he's just a really good friend who I always talk to because of how kind and caring he is. That's all" said y/n

"Yeah but he's only 'kind and caring' towards YOU" Explained Sarah

"Yeah, he's like totally inlove with you" said Erica

"Hopefully" said y/n, shrugging her shoulders afterwards.


Your brother, y/b/n, drives you and his friends to the party. You were sitting next to the right window in the back of the car, squished because of how much space your brothers friends took up.

After what seemed like an eternity we finally got to the party. You looked all around the house looking for Sarah or Erica, or anyone really. Party's were never your thing. They made you nervous and a tad bit queasy but it was Erica's party so you HAD to come.

"HI Y/N!" Said the 5'9 boy making you jump a little.

"HOLY SHIT RORY, YOU ACTUALLY SCARED ME THIS TIME" y/n yelled, her voice muffled by the loud music.

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