You're Late

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"So lemme get this, of all people, have never listened to Black Sabbath? Not even once?"

  Eddie was utterly shocked and taken aback by this new information, expressed through his overly dramatized expression of horror as well as a hand clutched to his chest. You would've thought you had just told him that you had never taken a breath in your entire life by the way he was acting. It caused you to have to put a hand to your mouth to stop yourself from borderline screaming out a laugh at his reaction.

"No, I haven't. I've heard talk of them but I've never had the chance to listen to them."

"Well, we are just going to have to solve that problem, aren't we?"

  As Eddie responded, his over-dramatic reaction calmed down and soon faded back into a smile. A smile, which quickly faded into that of slight panic as he took a glance at his watch.

"Shit, we gotta get outta here. This place is about to close."

  He explained quickly before sliding out of the seat and rushing to your side to offer you help out. You took his outstretched hand and followed as he basically pulled you out of the diner. Fortunately, you caught a glimpse of a clock on your way out that read '7:48 p.m..' You hadn't realized that you had been talking for that long, time just seemed to fly by. This thought completely distracted you from the fact that you had, indeed, just dined-and-dashed with Eddie.


"Hey y/n! You're late! Where've you been?!"

   You heard a familiar voice call out to you as you walked up the already packed front yard with Eddie in tow. You could feel multiple pairs of eyes flicker to you at the announcement of your presence but you brushed it off fairly easily. Pushing past a group of people, you finally made it to the source of the familiar voice.

"Hey, Robin. Got a little caught up, but I'm here now, aren't I?"

  You shot back with a sly grin as you and Robin pulled each other into an embrace. This gave her the perfect view of your 'date' who was standing behind you, causing her to pull away from you quickly and keep hold of your shoulders.

"Did you two—"

"No. We were just talking at the diner and lost track of time."

"Dammit y/n."


"I expected a better excuse for you not showing up earlier."

  You and Robin shared a laugh at her comment before she dropped her hands from your shoulders and waved you inside. Before following her, you looked back at Eddie who shot you a look of 'I'm coming,' to which you gave a slight nod in response. You gestured for him to follow you and pushed his way past a couple people to walk at your side.


  Robin handed you and Eddie both a drink. Other than the three of you, the kitchen you were standing in was surprisingly not filled to the brim with people. It provided a good place for you to be able to hold a bit of a conversation for as long as the emptiness lasted.

" must be the infamous Eddie Munson I've heard so much about."

  Robin broke the silence first as she directed her attention to Eddie. Her word choice scared you a bit though, as you did tell Robin quite a bit about Eddie...or more over, the dreams you've had about him. You also occasionally would tell her about your deals but mainly about the dreams, and hearing those words come out of her mouth caused your face to go bright red. You stared at Robin like a deer in headlights as you took in a sharp breath. It seemed like Robin was intentionally ignoring your reaction as she kept her eyes on Eddie and a devious smile grew on her face.

"What exactly have you heard about me?"

"Oh just how dreamy and sexy—"

"Robin! Shut up!"

  You blurted your words out quickly so that she wouldn't continue digging your grave. Though, it seemed like it was already a little too late for that as you felt Eddie's eyes land on you. A sly, ego fueled, chuckle came from him as you attempted to keep your eyes and expression away from him. You could feel the heat radiate off of your face as you shifted your head to down, staring into your cup.

"Is that so?"

  Eddie's voice rang in your ears like a song you couldn't get out of your head no matter how hard you tried. The heat from your face began to share itself with the tops of your ears. His tone deep and teasing. He knew exactly what he was doing to you in the moment and he loved it. Robin laughed a little as well after taking a swig of her drink.

"Oh yeah, she talks about you all the time and about how much she just wants to—"

"Hey, y/n! Been looking for you everywhere."

  Steve's voice offered you relief from the current situation as you spun around to see him. He quickly noticed the expression you held as well as the red coloring to your face and he laughed a bit. He then quickly cleared his throat to play it off when you glared at him. He took a moment to scan the room before speaking again.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Nope! Not at all!"

  You shot back at him and he threw his hands up as if to surrender. You took in a deep breath before finally taking a sip of the drink, that you had subconsciously squeezed a bit, in your hand. Steve then gestured for Robin to hand him one and she nodded in response. Once he hand a drink in his hand he looked over at Eddie.

"You mind if I steal my friend from you for a minute?"

  He asked this but really meant it as 'I'm gonna take her, I just wanted you to be aware that I was.' Eddie just nodded and gestured for you to go along with him. You took the opportunity quickly and the two of you walked off into the crowd of people outside of the kitchen.

"So, who's your date?"

"Robin seriously didn't tell you? That's Eddie...Eddie Munson."

"Nope. Doesn't ring a bell."

"My dealer."

"Still nothing."

"The guy from the dreams I keep telling you guys about."

"Oh shit! That's him?!"

"Jesus Harrington, keep it down, will ya? I don't need all of Hawkins hearing about this."

  Steve looked at you apologetically before taking a sip of his drink while continuing to push past people to make it back to the front door. You were unsure why but you were just happy to get out of being relentlessly teased by Eddie over things your best friend was telling him. You knew that you were now just prolonging the inevitable seen as you left him alone with Robin, but you were more focused on getting away from it right now rather than later on.

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