The Show Must Go On

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It had been about a week since your last dream. Steve, Robin, and Eddie had stopped by everyday to ensure that you'd be okay, especially after Eddie had told Steve and Robin about finding you in the kitchen with broken glass on the floor. As you were sitting on the couch with Eddie seated on the floor in front of you, you heard the front door open.

"Hey rockstar, you have the set prepared for later?"

"Yeah, the lists are over on the counter if you wanna take a look."

You heard a pair of footsteps make their way into the kitchen and the light rustling of papers. It didn't take long for the footsteps to return to earshot. Robin, lists in hand, walked over to the couch and sat next to you, scanning the songs you'd prepared. Steve walked behind the couch and leaned over the back of it, resting a hand on your shoulder.

"You sure you're gonna be okay to perform today? I'm sure no one would care if you postponed one show."

"Steve, music is my life's blood, I'm not gonna take a break from it because of some stupid ass nightmares."

"Well if you change your mind—"

"I won't. I'm doing this. I need it."

"You're the boss."

Steve sighed after his last comment and you leaned your head back against the couch to look at him. He was scanning your set list with Robin so he didn't notice you looking at him. As you were about to lift your head, his face contorted into slight confusion.

"That's a new one. You've had time to write another song in middle of all of this?"

"Of course I have. Why are you doubting me?"

"I'm not doubting you. I'm just surprised. You've been pretty...stressed since those dreams. I didn't think you'd want to write another one."

"Steve, how many times do I have to tell you—"

"Yeah, yeah, music is your life's blood and blah blah blah."

"So you do listen when I talk? Wow."

"Oh hush."

You and Steve shared a quick laugh and you finally lifted your head. You looked down at Eddie, who's head was now resting on one of your legs as you were absentmindedly playing with his hair. You nudged him a bit with your leg and he turned his head a bit.

"You're coming tonight, right?"

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world, you know that."

"Good. Why don't you go and pick an outfit for me?"

Eddie quickly stood up in a childlike excitement and booked it for your bedroom. You laughed at his actions before turning yourself to face Robin. Robin looked over at you and you shot her a serious expression. Her smiling face quickly fell to confusion and she dropped the lists into her lap.

"Guys...I can't help but feel like those dreams have something to do with Eddie."

"Well, he was in one of them so—"

"No, I mean, I feel like he's somehow causing them."

"Y/n, I think you're just paranoid."

"Maybe. Or maybe I'm on to something."

"Or maybe you're just overthinking. Just focus on the show tonight, it'll help you relax. You're stressing yourself out more by trying to make sense of those nightmares."

"Robin's right. Dreams aren't supposed to make sense, so stop trying to make them make sense, okay?"

You sighed in defeat and nodded slowly. They were probably right. No matter how much you wanted to rationalize those dreams, maybe there was no need. Maybe they were just that...dreams, nothing else. You didn't try to rationalize any of your other dreams, especially when they were good, so why start now?

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