Whispered Prayers

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[1885 words]
*gets a little spicy, by alas, I must prolong it dear readers*
  His sweet words immediately caused you to go red. Though your expression kept composure, your mind was screaming. The ordeal just moments ago was replaying in your head as you stared at him, flustered. He rested a hand on your knee and you watched his eyes jump around your face as if taking a mental picture of every feature. After a moment, you found the ability to speak.

"How poetic."

  You chirped out which earned you a soft chuckle from Eddie. His thumb began to slowly rub across your knee as his eyes locked with yours again.

"Poetic? That was nothing. If you want poetic, I'll show you poetic."

  He spoke in a matter-of-fact tone before stealing a sip of his beer that was still clutched in his other hand. You stared on, awaiting his next words. When they didn't come, you tilted your head a bit and smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm waiting."

  You said in a drunken, sing-song-ish, voice, drawing out the last consonant. His eyes scanned your face again for a moment before he returned your sweet smile and straightened his posture. He theatrically cleared his throat and lifted his hand away from your knee, moving it to your cheek. You leaned into his touch as his thumb continued the action it had been previously doing on your knee.

"Where to even start with you..."

  He began in a soft tone. His hand nudged itself to the back of your neck, using it as leverage to pull you closer. You happily obliged to the unspoken command and pulled yourself fully into his lap, bringing your face close to his. The smile he gave was warm and gentle as he pulled his hand back to its original position. You could smell the cigarettes and alcohol on him paired with the very light scent of a cheap, earthy smelling, cologne. This drove you wild as anticipation of his next words began to bubble in your throat. Part of you wanted to tell him to hurry it along and just say something but another part of you simply wanted to bask in the unknown of what could possibly be said. When he finally spoke, your mind went quiet and you visibly hung on his every word.

"I have not the vocabulary to give justice to the intense, visceral high that I receive from your presence alone but hear these words and hear them well, sweet girl."

  He took a moment to pause and gaze at your lips before finally meeting your eyes again. The hand on your cheek moved to brush a piece of hair behind your ear and he leaned close to it, pressing his head to the side of yours. His warm, alcohol ridden, breath danced over your ear and shot a shiver through your entire body. His hand rested on the side of your neck and you heard his slow deep breath signal he was about to speak again.

"I crave you in such a way that would make even the most skeptical fall to their knees and pray."

  Your breath hitched in your throat at his words and he pressed a light kiss to your jaw before moving to look you in the eye again. You went to open your mouth to speak but were quickly cut off by his soft words continuing.

"You are the very blood in my veins, Princess. You...are my own personal, sinful, salvation."

  As a devilish smirk crawled across his lips, you simply stared at him, dumbfounded and unable to speak. You grabbed at his side with your free hand, unable to think of anything to do or say in response to those beautiful, biblical words. His eyes shot down to your lips for a moment before locking you into a gentle kiss. His hand returned to the back of your neck and he ran his finger tips up the base of your neck, to the very center of the back of your head. He captured a fist full of your hair in his hand which instantly brought you back to when you had felt the similar sensation of this at the hands of those phantom touches and that dream they were attached to. Almost as soon as he had done this, he detached his lips from yours but stayed close to your face before speaking again.

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