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[1652 words]
*a bit of a spicy moment, but it doesn't go far*
Shrugging off your nagging thoughts, you gazed up at Eddie, not responding to his previous comment. You took this moment to lift your head finally and study his eyes. You had no reason to, you just felt compelled to. Something inside you told you to memorize the look in his eyes and you couldn't quite place why. The deep brown seemed almost black which you assumed was because of the low lit living room you were still sat in. You stared into his eyes as long as you possibly could trying to find something—anything—that would satisfy that feeling of curiosity burning in your chest.

His hand was still rested on the back of your head despite having removed your face from his chest. His fingers continued to explore your hair as the song playing somewhere in the house finally came to an end. Suddenly, the loud tap of a drum broke you from your staring and caused you to jolt up a bit in excitement as 'Breaking The Law' began to play. You quickly pushed yourself away from Eddie and scrambled to your feet. You almost collapsed right back onto him as the drinks you had finally settled into your body at the sudden movement. Eddie laughed and cocked his brow at you.

"Someone's excited."

"This is my favorite Judas Priest song!"

You yelled in excitement and Eddie nodded slowly as you began to play air guitar along to the song with a drunken smile on your face. He found himself tapping his foot along to the song and smiling as he watched you mock play a solo. After a few moments of watching you jam out, he finally stood up. You dropped your arms and slid yourself closer to him, pressing yourself against him. He rested a hand on your cheek for a moment before dropping it and turning away from you.

"You want another beer, pretty girl?"

As soon as the name slipped past his lips, you felt like your legs were going to give out on you. In response to this, you turned and collapsed onto the couch as nonchalantly as you could muster. He glanced back at you for a moment, waiting for your answer. You quickly nodded and he was out of your sight again.

The song soon came to an end and you shifted around on the couch to get comfortable. You tilted your head back into the couch and stared at the ceiling, resting your arms at your sides. As the next song began, you felt those—now—all too familiar tingles. This time, they were more prominent, as if he truly had his hands on you in that moment...but he was still in the kitchen. You could hear bottles clinking which solidified this fact.

The non-existent hands were roaming everywhere. They dragged from your hips slowly up to your ribcage, stopping just below the line of your bra before moving back down. The feeling instinctually caused you to press your thighs together and ball your fists. Your eyes squeezed shut as the phantom hands continued their trek onto your thighs. You let out a soft, hardly audible whimper at the agonizingly slow pace, completely forgetting that the touches were far from real.

You were so engrossed in the feeling that you didn't even notice that Eddie had returned. He was standing a few feet away from you, bottles clutched in either hand as stared in awe at your reactions. Another soft whimper escaped your lips as you lifted your head from the couch. Quickly, the feeling of the phantom hands had ceased which caused your eyes to shoot open in surprise and depravity. Your gaze immediately found Eddie's and your face turned dark red in embarrassment. Eddie wore a smirk across his lips as he eyed you up and down with raised brows.

"Did I interrupt something?"

He asked in a teasing tone. You cleared your throat to attempt to gain composure as you watched a glint of pride fall into his eyes. You were unable to form any sort of response that would distract him from what he had just witnessed and explain that it wasn't what it looked like...even though it clearly was, in fact, what it looked like. If you were sober in this moment you would've sworn that you were just going crazy, but your drunken haze prevented you from any logical thought about the situation.

"I...um...didn't think you'd be back so fast."

You finally squeaked out as you watched Eddie carefully lay the unopened bottles on the floor next to him. As he lifted himself back up, you saw another hint of something in his eyes. You couldn't quite place what it was but it caused you to cross your ankles to attempt to squeeze your thighs together tighter than they already were. A mischievous chuckle rang out into your ears and Eddie stalked toward you. He stopped directly in front of you and crouched down. His hands copied the movements of the phantom touches from moments ago as his eyes stayed locked onto yours. An eerie surreal feeling overcame you as your mind processed the fact that his movements were an exact replica of what you had felt before. The pace, the area covered, all of it was the exact same except now, it was actually happening.

"You okay, sweetheart? You seem...worked up."

His tone was still teasing as he spoke and it caused you to squirm a bit. You found yourself pulling your hands into your hair out of desperation and slight embarrassment. Your head fell back onto the couch again as you attempted to come up with something to say. Something that would ease the embarrassment you felt. When another whimper came out, the embarrassment only grew. Eddie gave a low chuckle at your reaction and shifted up to tower over you. He gently grabbed your face in one hand as the other stayed rested on your thigh.

"I asked you a question, doll."

You melted at his touch and found yourself chewing at your bottom lip as you stared back at him. You didn't know what to say or how to respond in a way that would seem like you weren't going insane. Eddie's gaze narrowed at you as he took note of how easily you melted into his simple movements. The hand that rested on your thigh once again found its way back up to your hip as the hand on your face released enough to allow his thumb to drag across your bottom lip. You released your lip from your teeth as it was gently pulled down ever so slightly by him. A shiver ran down your spine at these simple actions and you finally found your voice.

"I-I'm fine."

You mumbled and were quickly greeted with a scoff. This shocked you a bit as Eddie leaned closer to your face.

"Sure you are."

He said in a tone that clearly gave off that he didn't believe you for a second. You didn't get anytime to process or respond before his lips connected with yours. Almost instantly, you found yourself grabbing at his shoulders as if afraid he was going to disappear if you didn't. Your ankles released themselves as you pushed up off the couch a bit. Eddie smiled into the kiss before pulling away from you, taking a moment to look you dead in the eye.

"So greedy."

He teased before completely ripping his touch from you. Your hands dropped to your sides again as you stifled any sort of pitiful sound that may have wanted to escape you at the loss of contact. You watched as he turned away from you, grabbed the beers from the floor and sauntered back over to you as if nothing happened. He dropped onto the couch next to you, opened both beers and handed one to you with a smile. You were frozen in shock for a moment before grabbing it from him.

Maybe you were going crazy after all. You could hardly wrap your head around what had just happened. Part of you began to try and convince the rest of you that you had just hallucinated or made the whole thing up in some vivid, drunken daydream. When Eddie's hand rested on your thigh again, you were assured that what had happened was, in fact, real. You felt the heat rise to your face again as you stared blankly across the room. Confusion, depravity, shock, and a hint of desire coursed through your veins as you continued attempting to process the whole ordeal.

You soothed your mind by chalking it up to actions brought on by being intoxicated as you were unable to find another way to get yourself back to reality. Once finally grounded in the present, you kicked your legs up onto his and smiled over at him. That same low chuckle you had heard moments ago flooded your ears again. You glanced down at the bottle in your hand for a moment before locking eyes with Eddie again. You shifted yourself closer to him, pressed his outer thigh to the bottom of your own. He draped an arm over your shoulder as you pulled your upper body as close as you could to him. You were practically in his lap at this point and he seemed to enjoy that fact.

"That desperate to be close to me, doll?"


Was all you could muster as you pushed your embarrassment from his comment away. He took a sip of his beer before returning his gaze to you, the look in his eyes didn't change from what they held before. He still had a hint of pride, and another lingering tinge of emotion that you still couldn't place, dancing in his irises.

"I could get drunk on you alone, ya know that?"

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