Phantom Touch (Your POV)

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*allusion to a spicy situation but nothing more*
  Your head lifted and your gaze fell on Eddie as his cocky look fell to anger. Confusion spread across your own expression as you slowly turned to look at Billy. Your slight anger towards him from before began to seethe again for some unknown reason. Before Eddie could speak, your anger built up enough to shout at Billy.

"What the fuck are you on about?!"

  Shock quickly crept over Billy at your tone. You watched as he quickly attempted to push out the shock. His gaze fixed onto Eddie, giving him a look as to tell him to speak. Your attention shot back to Eddie quickly, the anger not leaving the pit of your stomach as you stared at him. Eddie's gaze was locked onto Billy, staring angry daggers into him.

"Well...come on then. Spit it out, freak."

  The anger bubbled up into your throat as you quickly stood from your spot and spun around to Billy. Your eyes darkened and your tone became authoritative.

"Last chance, Hargrove. Watch your fucking mouth."

"Don't be mad at me, I'm not the one who—"


  Eddie cut into the impending argument with a low, monotone voice that quickly shut both of you up. Slowly, your attention returned to Eddie as he too stood from his place on the ground. That all too familiar shock wave pummeled into you as he gazed back at you for a moment. Suddenly, the drinks seemed to have caught up to you and you became a tad bit dizzy. Not enough to physically phase you but enough to catch your mind's attention. Eddie stepped closer to you and snaked an arm around your waist before his eyes fixed onto Billy again.

"You heard the lady, this is your last chance. Slip up again and I'll make sure it's the last time you do."

"What kind of fucked up— you know what...fine...whatever. Just go get me another beer and let's move on."

  Billy spoke with defeat lacing his voice as you unconsciously leaned into Eddie, resting your head on his shoulder as he drew absentminded circles on your side with his finger. A light, breathy, hardly audible chuckle appeared in Eddie's chest at how easily Billy had given up on pushing the question any further. You slowly lifted your head to look at Eddie just as he was leaning close to you. His breath caught your ear and sent a shiver down your spine.

"Sit down, pretty girl. I'll be right back."

  He whispered to you before disappearing from you and walking into the kitchen. The sound of him using that name in that sultry manner instantly shot back memories of those dreams you'd had of him before the two of you had attended that party together. You could've sworn those memories were long gone as you sat yourself on the couch. As soon as you were comfortable, you felt phantom touches appear across your body. You recognized them as the same places Eddie had grabbed, caressed, and sinfully appreciated in those dreams. Heat rose to your face quickly as Billy's voice cut through your thoughts.

"Y/n...sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad."

  The emphasis he put on 'you' brought back a fragment of the anger that had seemingly dissipated before. Your gaze stayed fixed on the ground and you heard Billy shift around on the ground. The heat in your cheek was relentless as those phantom touches continued despite the flashing memories disappearing.

"It's whatever."

  You muttered out absentmindedly at Billy's half-assed apology. You felt his eyes burning into you and it finally pulled your gaze away from the floor. You quickly studied his expression which was laced with confusion.

"Damn, it's like you're in a fucking trance. You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just trying to calm down is all."

  You quickly responded as you fully returned to reality. A light stinging fell onto your inner thigh that caused you to jolt a bit. You quickly peeled your gaze away from Billy and looked toward the kitchen.

"What is taking him so long?"

  You asked, not really toward Billy in particular. You hoped that offered enough of a distraction so he wouldn't pry at you anymore. You heard a sigh from Billy and knew that was most likely his sign of giving up on apologizing or making sure you were okay; which you were more than grateful for as the light stinging grew a bit.


  After what felt like hours, Eddie finally reappeared in the living room with open beers in his hands and a smug grin on his face. You instinctively giggled at the sight as he walked over, handing Billy a beer before sitting next to you.

"What's that look for?"

  You asked between giggles as you helped yourself to one of the bottles in his hand. He pressed the remaining bottle to his lips, taking a swift drink before his eyes landed on you again.

"What look?"

  He wore an expression of faux innocence that seeped into his tone as he spoke. Quickly, those phantom touches ceased which caused you to peer between your thigh and Eddie. You shook your head, hoping the heat rising to your cheeks again would stop if you did. Your efforts were fruitless as Eddie chuckled at your actions. He had a glint of knowing in his eyes that was slightly alarming but you figured it was because you had been drinking.

"Will you two stop eye-fucking each other?"

  Billy's voice shot through the air in slight disgust, reminding you of his presence. Another chuckle erupted from Eddie as his eyes scanned you.

"Don't be getting jealous over there, Hargrove."

"I'm not jealous of you fr—Munson."

  Billy, despite his quick, clearly jealousy fueled response, caught himself before that simple word could catch your ears and piss you off again. You brushed off the feeling of anger returning to you by taking a quick drink of the beer in your hand. If he was going to be here much longer, you wanted to at least relax a bit and not have to end up kicking him out in anger. The relaxation came quick as Eddie draped an arm over the back of the couch by your shoulders. He kicked a leg up and rested his ankle on his knee. His leg pressed onto yours which caused you to shift over into him a bit, leaning your head against his chest, so it was no longer against you.


  Judas Priest rang out in the house as you laid against Eddie, your empty bottle resting on the floor next to a couple extra that you hardly remember consuming. Billy had finally retrieved his jacket and he was finishing his 5th beer. A heaved sigh came from him as he stood up.

"I should get going. See ya at your next concert, Y/n."

  Billy announced as he readied himself to leave, patting his pockets for his keys. A wave of relief came over you at the sound of him preparing to leave. Your eyes flickered over to him and he nodded to you as he pulled his keys from his pocket. You cocked a brow at him and begrudgingly nodded to Eddie as well before leaving your eyesight. When you heard the front door open and quickly slam shut, you gave an audible sigh of relief that made Eddie chuckle. You shifted yourself over to look at him with a soft, drunken smile.

"That eager to get me to yourself, huh pretty girl?"

  Instantly, your face went red again. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. You were at a loss for any sort of clever retort or quick-witted comeback. Eddie gave another chuckle as he rested a hand on your cheek. You quickly shut your mouth and hid your face in his chest which caused his hand to move to the back of your head. This action only made your embarrassment worse as you begged yourself to pull it together. Eddie's fingers began to mindlessly card through your hair, twirling a couple strands of it around his finger a few times. Those phantom touches returned along with those unholy memories of the dreams as he did this. The back of your scalp stung despite Eddie doing nothing to cause it to. A startling line quickly cut through the soft visions that got you questioning, even though what little was left in tact of the logical part of your brain told you it was just a random comment.

'It's like you're in a trance.'

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