Wasted On You

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[1700 words]
"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

  The chanting from the gathered crowd filled your ears as you tossed back yet another drink. Once finished, you slammed the cup on the table filled with empty cups from your previous drinks. The crowd around you cheered loudly at your fourth victory in a row before a section of them parted to reveal your 'date' laughing at your actions.


You shouted over the chatter of the crowd with a drunken smile on your face and your arms flung in the air. You pushed your way around the white table and the people gathered close to it, to make your way over to him. Once you were close enough, you shoved a couple people aside and happily flung your arms over his shoulders to embrace him. This earned a tipsy chuckle from Eddie and you chimed in with your own after hearing his. He wrapped his free arm around you, moving his other arm out of your way so you didn't spill his drink.

"Hello to you too, y/n."

"Where have you been?"

"Talking with Robin. She went off to dance with some chick so I came to find you."

"Ooo, she's got a little girlfriend."

  Your words fell from your mouth without much thought to them as you laughed and leaned against Eddie in attempt to keep yourself standing. The drunken smile never left your face as your attention turned to the drink in his hand. It was practically finished which caused you to move an arm from his shoulder and take it from him. You finished the drink off and tossed the cup backward. It hit someone, in the crowd, on the shoulder and they simply laughed it off.

"Let's go do shots."

"Don't you think you've had enough?"

"Nope! Let's go!"

  With that, you took your other arm off of his shoulder and slipped out of his. You grabbed his wrist, pulled him out of the crowd, and into the kitchen. It was, once again, empty apart from the two of you. You let go of his wrist and hurried across the kitchen to get two shot glasses.

"What did you and Robin end up talking about?"

  You asked with your attention stuck on searching for shot glasses. Your mind was too hazed to remember what the two were talking about when Steve pulled you away from them, or else the answer to your question would've been obvious to you.

  Finally finding a pair of shot glasses, you felt arms wrap around your waist, cold rings and hands brushing against the skin that was exposed through the cuts you had made in your shirt. Your face went bright red when you felt him lean against your back and rest his chin on your left shoulder. Eddie's curly hair tickled your ear and neck as you tilted your head a bit to give him some room.

"Oh nothing, just those dreams you've been having about me."

  You gave a soft, nervous chuckle as you filled the shot glasses with the closest alcohol you could find. Butterflies flew around in your stomach feeling him this close to you and realizing that he now knew about the dreams made them go crazy. His, barely above a whisper, teasing tone sent shivers down your spine and made the heat from your face more prominent. You felt his eyes watching your hands as your poured the shots which caused them to shake a bit.

  Once the glasses were filled you grabbed them and slowly turned to face Eddie. When he felt you start to move he lifted his head from your shoulder and loosened his grip on your waist to allow you to move, but never took his touch from you. Now face to face with him you could see his gentle, buzzed smile and a light blush on his expression. You lifted one of the shots to the space between your faces and he chuckled before finally releasing you. He took the shot from your raised hand and waited for you to begin taking yours. The absence of his arms caused you to physically shiver a bit as your skin had acclimated to temperature of his touch. The air in the kitchen was much colder than his arms. Brushing that off, you lifted your arm to take your shot, not taking your eyes off of Eddie until you finally threw back the alcohol. Eddie followed suit and you both set the glasses on the counter at your side.

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