Who's in Control

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[539 words]
  The muffled voices of Robin, Steve, and Eddie faded as your eyes sank shut. The movie playing in the background along with the sound of the rain hitting the house lulled you to sleep pretty quickly. Your head was leaned against the arm of the chair as your muscles relaxed into sleep.

  Almost suddenly, you shot up from the couch. The room was empty, all the lights were off, and it was silent. Confused, you stood up from the couch and looked around.

"Robin? Steve? Eddie?"

  You called out, but were met with no answer. As you turned around, you saw a faint red glow coming from the hall where your bedroom was. Your confusion grew as you stepped around the couch slowly.


  You called out again and still received nothing. Your curiosity overcame you and you started to make your way to your bedroom. The door was cracked a bit and it was clear that the red glow was coming from somewhere in the room. You pushed the door open cautiously and peered inside. Everything appeared to be normal until you stepped inside and looked where the door had previously blocked your view. You had found where the red light seemed to be coming from but it had no visual source. As you scanned the scene in front of you, your confusion turned into slight fear. Your prop candles were laid out in a circle and a small plate sat in the center. The plate held a lit, red, pillar candle that was dressed with an assortment of herbs that you couldn't quite place. You took a step closer to examine the scene better and the door slammed behind you. Quickly, you spun around, greeted with a familiar sight.


  You yelped and threw yourself into his arms. He held you tightly and gave a soft laugh. His laugh was off. You couldn't quite place why, you just knew that something about it wasn't right. This caused your fear to grow and you attempted to release yourself from his grip. Your efforts were in vain as he held you tighter.

"Don't try to run away from me now."

  He whispered in a tone that chilled you. Your breathing quickly became labored as panic set in.

"Eddie...what's happening?"

  You blurted out in your panic. You were met with another laugh, this time it was a bit louder and you could finally place what was off about it. It sounded as though two people were laughing in sync, Eddie, and some other, much more inhumane, voice. You, again, attempted to release yourself from his grip but he didn't budge.

"Don't be afraid y/n...all you have to do is—"

  He cut himself off and quickly broke from you. You finally caught a glimpse of his expression as you stumbled backward. He wore a creepy smile that defied what a normal human expression could manage. You quickly glanced toward the door and back to Eddie.

"What is going on Eddie?!"

  You screamed out of fear as he stepped toward you again. Suddenly, you were unable to move. You were frozen in place as Eddie reached a hand up to your chin, lifting your head to meet his eyes.

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