Secret, Secret, Gotta Keep It

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After a couple hours of talking in the kitchen, the three of you moved into the now dark living room. The sun had set about an hour ago and the rain was coming down heavy so Steve and Robin decided to stay until it stopped. The group had decided to throw on a movie that Eddie had picked out. You we're about 20 minutes into the movie when you stood up from your spot on the small loveseat. You slid past Robin who had been sitting in front of you, leaning against the couch.

"Where are you going y/n?"

"I'll be right back. Watch the movie."

"Whatever you say, baby bat."

You rolled your eyes at Robin's comment and walked toward your room. Robin hadn't stopped with the baby bat comments ever since Eddie had said that he liked the nickname. You figured she was using it as attempts to embarrass you and she was successful a few times.

As you continued toward your room, the sound of the movie playing in the other room began to dissipate. As soon as you entered your room, you shut the door as quietly as you could and moved toward your vanity. You pulled open a decent sized drawer on the left side which held a couple candles. As you grabbed a red, apple scented candle, a devilish smile grew across your face. You slid the candle drawer shut and pulled open a smaller drawer in the middle of the vanity that held lighters, matches, and a couple small brown bags. Pulling out a small black lighter, you lifted up the candle to examine it. It was a large pillar candle with a few inscriptions on it that you had carved in it not too long ago. Usually, you used these as props for some of your concerts, but now you were just lighting it to give a small bit of illumination to your now darkened house.

After examining the candle, you set it down on your vanity and gave yourself a once over in the mirror. You shrugged to yourself before turning to a pile of clothes on the floor. Deciding to slip into something more comfortable, you grabbed a black tank top and grey, patterned shorts. You threw Eddie's battle vest and jacket you had been wearing onto the bed before sliding into the clothes you had grabbed.

As you were pulling on the tank top, you heard the door creak open slowly. Your attention quickly shot over to the door and you saw Eddie poke his head in. You gave a heavy sigh of relief at the sight of him which earned you a quiet laugh out of him.

"You scared me Eddie."

"Sorry baby bat. Just wanted to check on you and see what you were doing."

You shook your head and rolled your eyes at his use of the nickname and waved him into the room. Almost instinctually, his attention went to the candle on your vanity. You watched as he slowly stepped over to it and picked it up with a strange look on his face that you couldn't quite place. He turned it in his hand a couple times, using a finger to trace over the inscriptions on it.

"It's just a prop...well it's a real candle obviously but I use it as a prop."

You quickly explained but Eddie's attention stayed on the candle. Confusion began to build in your head as you watched him mumble something before placing it back on the vanity. His attention stayed locked onto the candle as he stepped around the vanity and began to open the drawers.

"Eddie, what are you doing?"

No response, but his attention had finally moved from the candle and to the contents of each drawer he had pulled open. An eerie feeling fell over you as you watched him search your things like an officer searching for drugs in a car. You walked over to Eddie and leaned over the vanity a bit to attempt to catch his attention.


You looked down at which drawer he was looking through and saw your drawer full of pentacle and pentagram pendants, necklaces, earrings, and other jewelry. You then placed your hand over his which finally broke his attention from the drawer. His expression was still unreadable to you and you shot him a look of confusion laced with a bit of concern.

"Eddie, they're just props and things like that."

Finally, his expression shifted into a smirk. Your confusion only grew at the sight of this. You slipped your hand away from him and shook your head in attempts to shake the confusion away.

"Just props? You sure about that?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Why?"

"Oh, no reason. Not sure you're quite ready to know about that just yet."

"Know about what?"

"You'll find out soon enough, baby bat."

Eddie's voice was off but laced with a bit of playfulness. He seemed pleased with the contents of your drawers and you couldn't quite place why. You couldn't help but wonder what it was he was hiding from you and what it had to do with your stage props. You shook your head again and turned to leave the room.

"Let's just go finish the movie."

You stated simply before leaving your room, Eddie in tow. When you were finally back in the living room you were so overcome by confusion that you could hardly focus on the movie, and you had completely forgotten about lighting the candle. You were far too focused on the interaction you just had with Eddie to focus on anything else. The confusion was starting to turn into intrigue and you didn't quite know why. Something about the mystery of what he could be hiding was exhilarating.

You had gotten so lost in your thoughts and the feeling wonder that you didn't even realize that the movie was coming to an end. That was until Steve spoke up.

"That was pretty good. Nice choice Eddie."

"Thanks. Hey, baby bat. I don't think the rain is gonna die down anytime soon, you wanna pick another movie?"

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