Bad Angel

428 8 9

*more spicy spice but, yet again, nothing serious*
[1285 words]
On the drive back home, your mind raced with the thought of the jealousy Eddie had displayed at your show. You tried your hardest to get it out of your mind, which became quite easy when you realized that Eddie had give Billy's jacket to Steve. Billy was expecting that back by your next show and you weren't sure if Steve would let you have it back, or if he even still had it at all. He could've given it back to Eddie and you knew that Eddie wouldn't give that jacket back to you, not after he most likely figured out who it belonged to by talking to Steve about it. You didn't have much more time to dwell on those thoughts as you pulled up to your house.


Finally inside, you tossed your bag and keys on the kitchen counter before going up to your room for a change of clothes. Finding a pair of black sweat pants and a black tank top, you headed off to your bathroom to shower. Before undressing, you looked at yourself in the mirror. The sight of you in Eddie's leather jacket and battle vest made you blush slightly as the memory of the kiss you two had shared on the night of the party, found it's way to your conscious mind.


Now dressed in the clothes you picked out with Eddie's jacket over top, you walked out of the bathroom and into your room to find Eddie had let himself in. He was sat on your bed, leaning against the headboard with his hands behind his head, looking around your room to take in all the decor. It scared you to find that he was in your room already and you jumped a bit.

"Shit, Munson, when did you even get in here? I didn't hear you come in."

"'Bout five minutes ago. You left the door unlocked so I let myself in."

Eddie seemed awfully calm considering the jealous demeanor he had before. Finally, his gaze landed on you and a smirk grew on his face when he saw that you were wearing his jacket and battle vest still. He pulled an arm out from behind his head and patted his lap.

"Come lay down."

He said in a soft tone and you made your way over to him, still confused as to why he was so calm right now. You slid onto your bed and up next to him, laying your head in his lap. You were laid on your back, hands rested on your stomach, and eyes fixed on him as he put his hand in your damp hair once you were comfortable. He gazed down at you and now that you were closer, you could see the tinge of jealously in his eyes.

"Quite the show you put on tonight."

You hummed quietly in response as your confusion became apparent on your expression. This caused Eddie to laugh as he played with your hair for a few moments more. His hand then found its way to your cheek, caressing it gently with his fingertips.

"I have to admit, that stunt you pulled with that Billy guy pissed me off. Lucky for me though, I know exactly who stays on that beautiful mind of yours."

As he spoke, his tone became low and teasing. Your face went red as you realized he definitely talked to Steve about Billy since he now knew his name. You moved a hand from your stomach over to the bottom of Eddie's shirt, diverting your gaze it as you toyed with it to try to keep yourself composed. Your fingers brushed against the warm skin of his stomach a couple times as you continued to mess with the bottom of his shirt. As you were doing so, he laughed softly at the fact that you couldn't hardly keep eye contact with him in the moment.

"See? All I have to do is speak and I've got you wrapped around my finger. I can guarantee that he can't say the same."

His words made your blush deepen, which was only made worse when his hand grabbed your jaw to move your head back up. When your gaze hit his, his thumb moved from your jaw to your bottom lip, sliding across it slowly. Your eyes widened a bit at the feeling and you drew in a quick deep breath.

"What's wrong, princess? Am I making you nervous?"

Those questions slipped past his lips with faux pity which caused you grip the bottom of his shirt tightly, digging your nails into your palm through the fabric. As soon as his thumb slipped away from your lip and back to your jaw, it was quickly replaced with your teeth as you bit down on it. You attempted to avert your eyes from him but were unsuccessful, something kept your eyes firmly glued to his. His hand then slipped from your jaw and moved back up to rest behind his head once more. His eyes lingered on you for a moment as your expression contorted to show you were upset that his touch had disappeared. This caused Eddie to give a quick, low chuckle as he turned his attention away from you.

Having his hand now away from you, you sat up and turned to face him with a frustrated look. He intentionally kept his eyes off of you which only frustrated you more.


You whined at him. He continued to keep his eyes away from you and ignored your whine. In response, you gave a frustrated sigh and moved to straddle his lap. A sly smirk grew on your face as you ran your hands from his shoulders down to his chest and his gaze finally returned to you. His hands quickly moved themselves from behind his head, resting them underneath the jacket and on your hips as a smirk appeared on his face as well. He then leaned in, brushing his lips against yours but not allowing them to connect.


You whined out again which caused Eddie to give a low chuckle at your reaction. You gripped the fabric of his shirt again as you shot him a pleading look when he leaned back away from you again. A hand returned to your jaw as his smirk grew slightly.

"So needy. Just look at you, princess. You really think I'm gonna give you what you want after what you pulled earlier?"

His words made you want to melt right then and there as your breath hitched. Your pleading expression stayed plastered to your face as you shifted your hips a bit, causing the hand on your hip to tighten its grip.

"Come on, Eddie. It was just for show."

You pleaded as you let go of his shirt, moving your hands back up to his shoulders. He shook his head and narrowed his gaze as he leaned in again, still not allowing your lips to connect.

"Is that why you showed up wearing his jacket? For show? You wanted to make me jealous, didn't you? You wanted to make me jealous so I'd show you who you belong to, huh?"

He whispered teasingly. Your heart rate quickened at his words as you became flustered. He, once again, leaned back away from you and dropped his hand from your jaw to your thigh. He then eyed you up and down with a pleased look on his face.

"I think you know very well that you're mine, sweetheart. Don't you?"

Without much thought, you nodded quickly in hopes that he would finally give in to you. Instead, his grin only grew as he gave another low chuckle.

"Good...good girl."

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