Say It

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*I, once again, apologize for how short this is. A little spicy spice up until the end, but...yet again, nothing serious.*
[917 words]
  His words rang in your ears like lyrics to a song you couldn't get out of your head. They were the exact words you had heard so many times in your dreams and hearing them actually being spoken to you was surreal. Your mind seemed to wander off somewhere you'd never be able to find as your expression faded into that of shock. You were unsure of what to do or say, you were completely astonished at his words. Eddie clearly took note of this as it earned you another low chuckle from him, which threw your mind back to its rightful place.

"God, you're beautiful."

  You heard him mutter as his hand returned to your face, this time resting against your cheek. His thumb glided gently across your skin as the hand that had stayed rested on your hip slid to your lower back, pressing lightly to coax you forward. Instinctually, you followed his unspoken order and drifted closer to him. Your hands found their way back to his chest as your faces inched closer together. He stopped your movement once you were mere centimeters from his lips by placing his hand back on your chin, thumb meeting your lower lip as it had before. The hand on your lower back began to move up slowly before drifting back down to its original spot. His shallow breaths caressed your skin as you attempted to move closer to him, without success.

"I wanna hear you say it."

  He whispered to you in a low tone as his thumb drifted away from your lower lip. His eyes darted back and forth between your lips and eyes as he spoke. His hand moved away from your chin, fingers brushing against your cheek as he pushed a strand of damp hair from your face.

"Say that you're mine, sweetheart."

  He continued as his eyes finally fixated on yours. You could've sworn that you felt your soul leave your body as your expression reddened once again. Your eyes copied what his had done moments ago, darting back and forth between his eyes and lips. Hands gripped the fabric of his shirt once again as you attempted to find your words.

"Go on. Say it for me, princess."

  He encouraged, keeping his low tone. The hand that had brushed the hair from your face found it's way to where your shoulder met your neck. The gentle touch from his cold and now damp fingertips caused you to shudder a bit as he intentionally drug his fingertips along your neck when his hand moved.

"I'm yours."

  You managed to whimper out softly through your shocked state. A pleased sigh came from Eddie at your words and he pressed a gentle kiss on your jawline. He took his time placing a few more gentle kisses on your jawline before moving down to your neck. His actions earned a gasp from you as your hands moved from his chest to the back of his neck. You could feel him smile as he peppered more soft kisses up your neck and close to your ear. His kisses stopped and you whined softly, pressing lightly against the back of his neck as you did so. He then bit your earlobe lightly, earning another soft whine from you. He chuckled softly as he released you from his teeth.

"Such beautiful noises you're making for me."

  He whispered in your ear teasingly. He placed one last kiss on your cheek before leaning away from you. He was driving you insane with his actions and the teasing words he was spouting. You drifted your hands back to his chest and locked eyes with him. He shot back a sinister smile.

"As much as I love those pretty little noises, I'm not giving you what you want...not yet. You haven't earned that."


"Ah ah, angel. Don't talk back to me."

"Yes sir."

  You muttered out almost instinctually in response which clearly caught Eddie off guard when he heard it. His smile widened a bit as he tilted his head slightly in faux confusion.

"I can't hear you, princess. Speak up."

"Yes sir."

  You said, louder this time, your voice a bit shaky as you became flustered again. Eddie had a pleased look on his face as the hand on your neck drifted back up to cup your cheek again.

"Good girl.'re going to lay down and rest. You've had a long night."

  Clearly frustrated with his command, you whimpered back at him in response. You shot him a pleading look once again. You were met with him shaking his head, the smile still stuck to his expression.

"Don't start disobeying now, sweetheart. I said lay down and get some rest."

  His hand then left your cheek and accompanied the other on your back, a bit higher than the other. He applied light pressure to your back to coax you to lay down and you obliged, moving yourself back a bit to lay your head on his chest. One hand stayed on your back as the other drifted up to play with your hair, your own finding their places resting against his torso and laying on the bed next to him.

  After a moment of running small shapes on his torso with your fingertip, you stopped and allowed your eyes to close. The feeling of him lazily playing with your hair, lulling you to sleep. As you drifted off, you heard his voice whisper to you.

"Goodnight beautiful."

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