Baby Bat

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[1306 words]
You woke up to the sound of light rain hitting your window and the feeling of Eddie playing with your hair once again. You slowly picked your head up off his chest and shot him a sleepy smile when your eyes met his. He then took his hand from your hair and gently placed it on your cheek as he returned your smile.

"Good afternoon princess. Sleep well?"

"Mhm. Did you?"

"I slept perfectly, sweetheart."


"Yep. It's around 1 o'clock."

"Fuck. How long did I keep you here?"

"Not long enough."

He spoke in a soft, loving tone as his thumb rubbed your cheek. His gaze was just as gentle as his touch and it caused the sleeping butterflies in your stomach to spring up. The sound of the rain tapping on your window paired with Eddie's gentle actions and words made the moment feel almost dream-like.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Can we go dance in the rain?"

You shot him the same pleading look you had given him the night before and he gave a low chuckle. He brushed a piece of hair out of your face and onto your ear as his head tilted to the side slightly.

"Of course we can."


Once the two of you were out of the cover of your house, Eddie instantly wrapped you up in his arms. Your arms found their place on his shoulders and his around your waist. After a moment of gazing into each other's eyes, Eddie began to sway you slowly while humming softly. You giggled a bit and rested your head on his shoulder, shifting your arm over a bit to make yourself comfortable.

In this moment you felt like you were the only two people in the world. The light rain falling upon the skin of your cheek and neck like kisses from the gods as they met the soft warmth of your intertwined bodies. Eddie's gentle humming offered a solace unlike any other. The vibrations from his voice echoed through your chest, directly to your heart. It caressed your heart with a loving touch before it fizzled into silence.

Once his voice quieted, Eddie leaned his head down and pressed a kiss on your clothed shoulder, causing you to lift your own. Your eyes opened and your gazes met again. A shared smile fell upon both of your expressions. His slightly dilated pupils drew you in as you drew an arm from his shoulder to place a hand on his cheek. Almost instantly, you felt a heat flutter to his face when you pressed your forehead to his. His arms tightened around you as your eyes fluttered shut again. You swore nothing could ruin this moment with him. Except...

"Hey Eddie! What are you doing here?!"

You heard Robin's voice call out from across the road, followed by the slamming of a car door. You moved your face away from Eddie, allowed your eyes to open, and turned to look at Robin. You shot her a frustrated look and she just smiled in return as you watched Steve step out of the car as well. Your hand fell from Eddie's face and rested on his shoulder as you heard him give a soft sigh of discontent.

"Better question, what are you doing here?!"

"I needed to drop off your guitar, dingus! We also got you a couple things!"

You repeated Eddie's sigh from a moment ago as you gently removed yourself from his grip. You shot him a sorry glance before walking over to Steve's car, watching as he opened the back, driver's side door. He gestured for you to grab what was back there and you rolled your eyes.


"Yeah yeah, whatever."

Steve replied as you dipped down to grab your guitar that was laying in the back. As you pulled it out, you scanned the seats seeing a couple of bags and a familiar jacket strewn out on the other side. It must have been Billy's jacket. You were thankful that Steve still had it in his car, that way you could find a way to get it back before your next concert. Though, now wouldn't be the best time seen as Eddie was still right across the street.

"This couldn't have waited until it's not...ya know...raining?"

"We didn't think you'd be busy right now and Robin wouldn't shut up about how pissed you'd be if we didn't bring 'your baby' back to you."

You shrugged, knowing Steve was right, you would've been beyond pissed if you didn't get it back as soon as they could bring it to you. It was your most prized possession. The only reason you trusted Robin and Steve with it was because you drilled it into their heads that you would kill them if anything happened to it while they had it. As you stepped away from the car, guitar now in hand, Robin pushed behind you to grab the bags. Before you could ask about them, she was already hauling ass into your house. You shook your head as Steve closed the car door beside you.


"No problem. How'd your night with Munson go?"


"Just fine?"


"It looks like it went more than just fine. Look at you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for one you're still in his jacket and two you guys were being cheesy as hell when we pulled up."

"Shut the fuck up, Steve."

"It was cheesy. Didn't know you were the type y/n."

"Whatever, get your ass inside."

You laughed as you turned to see that Eddie was no longer where you had left him. Your expression changed to slight confusion but you quickly brushed it off and started walking back to your house.


"You mean to tell me you had the perfect opportunity to shove your tongue down her throat and you didn't? I bet she was pissed about that."

You heard Robin talking in the kitchen and you shook your head as your face reddened a bit at her words. You slammed the door shut behind Steve after he stepped in, to announce your presence.

"Be a dear and go put this in my room so I can go beat Robin's ass."

"You got it."

You handed Steve your guitar and walked into the kitchen to see Robin putting different snacks into your cabinets. Eddie was seated on the counter, his hands resting on either side of him and a devilish smile on his face. You crossed your arms and leaned against a nearby wall, clearing your throat to again announce your presence. Robin's attention shot over to you and Eddie dropped his head in a laugh.

"You wanna tell me what you two are talking about?"

"Oh nothing, baby bat."

Robin shot back with a nervous smile. You shook your head and smiled slightly at the nickname. She never used that nickname on you unless she felt like she was in trouble and was trying to get out of it by being cute with you. This nickname clearly peaked Eddie's interest as he lifted his head and glanced over at Robin.

"Baby bat? I like that. I'm stealing it."

"Hey, that's my nickname for her, you can't do that."

"I just did."

"You little Devil."

"Well I'm not a cult leader for nothing, blondie."

Eddie shot back jokingly as he shook his head and turned his attention to you. All three of you shared a laugh as Steve walked into the kitchen. He scoffed a bit with faux offense and pressed a hand to his chest.

"Are you guys down here having fun without me? How dare you?"

"Maybe we are, and what of it?"

"Y/n, I thought you were supposed to be beating Robin's ass."

"She pulled the 'baby bat' card on me."

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