Chapter 13: The Comeback

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Caleb and I arrived at school and saw this group of girls around something. As we passed by, I tried to see what they were surrounding. I saw someone with brown hair. Maybe it was Luke. He never learns.

When Caleb and I got inside, Ensley came up to us.

"Hey, guys. Cam, did you see the group of girls out there?"

"Yeah. I tried to see what they were looking at, but I couldn't. I just assumed it was Luke." I then heard a bunch of chatter coming inside.

I turned around and saw the group of girls coming inside. They passed us and I saw who they were looking at.

I stuttered, "Liam..?" He looked at me.

"Huh??" Ens said.

"Hey, Cam. Long time no see, huh?" Liam says.

"You look.. Different.."

"Yeah, I cut my hair. What do you think?"

"Liam!" One of the girls said. "Come on! Stop wasting your time on this bitch." She looks me up and down in disgust. I lunge myself at her, but Caleb grabs my arm to hold me back.

"Cami, relax," Caleb says.

"Give me a second, babes," Liam says to the girl. He winks at her and I roll my eyes. He then looks back at me. "Can I talk to you for a second, Cam?"

"No, I need to head to class-" He grabs my wrist and pulls me down the hallway. I try to release from his grip, but he makes sure not to let me go. Soon, he pulls me into the janitor's closet. "Liam, what the fuck!"

"I NEED to talk to you!"

"About what??"

"About us!" I look at him.


"Yes! I did all of this to get you to like me!"

"..Liam, I'm in a relationship.."

"Because you move on too fast."

"No, you're just too slow to make a move.."

"Okay, look.. I'll let you go if.. You have sex with me, right here, right now." I look at him.

"HUH?? Is that what you want me for?? Sex??"

"You either agree or I force you.." I swallow.

"..Fine.." I push him against the closet door and almost kiss him, but then I grab his balls and squeeze them tightly. He groans and I let go and push him roughly off the door. He falls to the floor and I open the door and run out.

I head down the hallway quickly and I see Caleb and Ensley walking around. I go up to them.

"Cam!" Ens says. "Are you okay?? What happened??"

"He did that thing with the girls to try and get me jealous. And then, he tried to force me to have sex with him."

"What?? Where is he??" Caleb starts to storm off towards the direction I came from. I grab his wrist and pull him back.

"Caleb, calm down. I took care of it. Let's head to class." We all start to walk away. I then turned around to look behind us and saw someone with a hood following us. I then turned back around. "Guys, not to scare you or anything.. But I think we're being followed.."

"WHAT??" Ensley yells. I cover her mouth.

"Chill. We'll just separate. There's a three-way up there. Ensley, you go left. Caleb, go straight. I'll go right. Try to get to class. If that person is following you, lose them. We clear?"

"Clear," Ens and Caleb say in unison. We reach the three-way and we go our separate ways. The way I went had a staircase that was completely empty. As I went up, I heard footsteps behind me. My heart dropped as I slowly started rushing up the stairs.

I made it to the top of the steps and ran for my life. I then ran into a giant crowd of people. They were yelling and teachers were trying to get through. I tried making my way through to lose the person following me.

I then saw what everyone was looking at. Antonio and Luke were fighting in the middle. My jaw dropped and as I was watching, I bumped into someone. I looked at them.

"Oh, sorry," I said.

"It's fine," they said. "Hey, uh, do you know how to get out of this crowd?"

"I'm trying to figure that out myself. But I also need to lose someone.."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm being followed."

"That's worrying.." I then came up with an idea.

"I can get us out of here. Hold on." I go to the front of the crowd. Antonio was on top of Luke punching his face. "OYE!" They both looked at me. "What the fuck are you guys fighting for??"

"He hurt you!" Antonio said.

"You did, too!" Luke said.

"Exactly. You both hurt me so I don't know why you're fighting each other about it." The crowd started disappearing and I saw the hooded person standing there. I looked at the guy I had just met and gestured for him to come with me as I started walking away.

"You're Hispanic?" He asked.

"Yeah, what was your clue?"

"You said 'oye.'" He chuckled. "I'm Sebastian, by the way. You can call me Seba."

"Cami. You're Hispanic, too, huh?" He nods and I look behind us. I saw that the hooded person was still following us. "Can we run?"

"Sure, I guess." We start booking it down the hallway. Teachers yelled at us as we passed by, but we ignored them. We made it to a staircase and we went down. I heard footsteps behind us as we went down. I grabbed Seba's wrist and led him underneath the steps.

I saw the hooded person reach the bottom and look around the hallway. I then run up behind them and kick them to the ground. I flip them over with my foot and I see their face. "Liam??? What the hell is wrong with you!" I kick him and Seba comes over.

"I'll, uh.. See you around, Cami.."

"Yeah, see ya.." He heads back up the stairs and I walk away from Liam.


I was walking to my fourth period as I got pulled into a dark classroom. The person who pulled me in shut the door and turned on the lights. "LIAM, WHAT THE F-" He covered my mouth.

"Shut up, this'll be quick." He picked me up and put me on a desk. He then kissed me roughly as he held my wrists. I start to kick him, but he doesn't react and just continues to kiss me. I started to cry and my tears blurred my vision.

I heard someone come in and they ripped Liam off of me. I wiped my eyes and I saw Seba on top of Liam, punching him in the face. Liam then passed out and Seba got off of him. I got off of the desk and Seba came over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yes, thank you." I then hear someone clear their throat. I see Caleb standing at the doorway. "Hey, Caleb."

"Who's he?" He asks while gesturing at Seba.

"This is Seba. He 'saved' me from Liam." I point to Liam on the floor.

"Shit, Cami, are you okay?" Caleb asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just head to class." I look at Seba. "I'll see you around," I say.

"Yeah," he says and I walk over to Caleb and he puts his arm around me as we walk away.


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