- Chapter 1 -

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- No one's POV -

Henry was pacing around the cockpit, nervously brainstorming idea's on how to get back to being close with Charles. The leader missed the time's he spent on missions with Charles. Sure, he could choose which timeline he was in but the lust for theft and power was winning over spending time with Charles from a different timeline.

Before he even knew it, he was lost in his thoughts, not hearing the knocks on the door until someone burst in with a worried face.

The person in question was Ellie rose, Henry's friend whom he met at the wall while he was locked up. Letting out a low sigh Henry turned around, now facing the worried look on Ellie's face.

"What is i-" - Henry Began

"It seems like we might be under attack soon." - Ellie cut him off, taking him by surprise. They were gonna be under attack? By who? The government? But how... They were extra careful to avoid being spotted, and yet...

"By the government? Gosh, they need to find a better thing to do. Go on, alarm the others. Using the intercom would only alert the military that their presence is known." - Henry responded, rather calmly than Ellie would expect but she's not gonna complain. With that, Henry saw Ellie leaving and closing the door behind her.

- Henry's POV -

"Could it finally be that.... I'm gonna see Charles?! Knowing him, he'll probably crash the helicopter into the airship" - I thought, checking the autopilot and how long it's going to take to get to our secret Toppat clan base located in the Dogobogo jungle.

"1 and a half hour...."

"If it the airship took a X amount of damage would it still fly...?" - I was lost in my thoughts, trying to figure out if the airship would last long enough for us to get to the base, incase of every scenario. As much as I wanted to think more about it, I had to start thinking of a plan about how I should kidnap Charles.

"He'll do one of his 'greatest' plans... I know him. Probably with someone else in the helicopter, otherwise it would be useless. Unless he would work as a distraction, but Charles is the Government's best pilot. They wouldn't just sacrifice him like that, would they?" - overthinking won over me, I lowkey laughted at the thought of them using Charles as a distraction.

Yeah, sure. He is handsome bu-


What did I just-...

I slowly blushed, as I realized what I was thinking about. "It's not the right time to daydream about Charles right now!" - I yelled to myself in my thoughts, quickly dismissing them.

I can't blame myself... He's so pretty after all.

"You moron! This is your enemy we're talking about!"

Yeah, and? I still have the right to call him pretty and handsome.

I giggled, battling with my thoughts. They weren't wrong, Charles is pretty darn cute, but he is also my enemy.

- No one's POV -

Henry began plotting for the capture of the pilot. He had to think of every possibility, even if some of them were violent. He chuckled to himself, saying that Charles' greatest plan will be his greatest mistake.

His chuckling was cut short when he heard something crash... It wasn't the airship, something crashed into them and Henry was sure who it was. Grabbing his gun, he went out of the cockpit, finding that Charles alongside  few other soldier's has crashed inside the ship.

Without hesitation, both of the sides started firing, besides Charles... He was in deep disbelief. Even tho Henry was a criminal, Charles still had hope in him. That same hope was shattered when he and General Hubert Galeforce found the dummies.

Without even realizing it, the soldier's around Charles were dead, and he was shot with a tranqualizer. He started feeling dizzy, his vision  becoming blurry and body heavy, eventually falling down to the ground unconscious. Henry walked up to Charles, reassuring him that he'll take good care of him as he slowly picked him up placing a kiss on Charles' forehead, causing Henry to slightly blush.

He took him to a cell. It wasn't right treating his loved one like that but he won't wake up until a few hours pass, surely he won't mind.

After making sure Charles was sat comfortablly in the cell, he closed the door shut and went to deal with the rest of the government, the possibility of Charles being with him was making Henry braver.

He knew he had Charles with himself now, and he wasn't gonna let that change. He wasn't gonna let those painful memories hurt him no more.

- Henry's POV -

"I'm sorry Charles. I had to do it." Always repeated itself whenever I shot someone. It was hard and cold blooded but I won't let them win. No. Not after I finally got the hang of Charles. I.. I can't loose him again. This thought made me tear up, but I quickly brushed it off.

After a few more minutes, I saw the military retreat. Did Galefore call off the mission? Did he notice Charles is gone? I stayed on high alert for a while until I saw them flying away. I rush to the cockpit, and check the remaining time

"54 minutes 23 seconds." - The machine displayed.

I smiled softly. Knowing that Charles is now with me and I can spend time with him while being the leader and a thief. Something, I could never do in Triple Threat or Special BROvert ops.


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