- Chapter 8 - It works.

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Charles wasn't asleep, but to any Toppat that has passed or checked in his room to make sure he hasn't escaped; he seemed to be asleep as hard as a rock.

"4a.m...." - The Pilot sighed. If this didn't work, he'd be done for, and would need to live a life of crime.

He got up from his bed and sat up on it, his dark blue shorts, muted light green shirt and light blue bed sheet rustling as he moved. He was trembling, but not because of the cold or cowardace, but because of fear. At any given moment he could be busted and there's a possibility this won't work.

"Stop bringing yourself down. This is your only way to escape..." - Charles reassured himself as he reached out for his ear piece located on the left side of his headphones, swiftly flipping it near his face and unmuting himself.

"Hello..?" - Charles nervously whispered.

Even though Charles knew it was safe, he was still nervous. The fear was slowly eating him inside out, but he couldn't go back, no. Not at this point. The Pilot waited for a response, and sure enough, he didn't have to wait long.

"Charlie?!" - Said the similar voice.
"Where are you? You're gonna be in big trouble! What you did was irrespon-"

"General... Calm down. Please, let me explain!"

"I give you 2 minutes to explain yourself."

"I'm in the Oribital Station, I was forcefully taken here. Henry's the leader now, I know most of the lay out as he took me for a tour today. I think that he thinks that I'll stay."

"Well, you're not gonna stay, are you?"

Charles froze upon hearing that question. "As for now... I'll stay, but not for forever. I have a plan but It's gonna take a while to execute because of... Reasons..."

"I hope you're not lying to me Charlie."

"I'm not! I promise, I'll get out sooner or later."

Charles could hear a faint sigh coming from General Hubert Galeforce. He was clearly worried for Charles' well-being on the Oribital Station.

"I'll come back soon, I promise. And when I come back, the Toppat clan will be history."

"I'm putting my trust into you, Charlie, don't disapoint me. Do me proud and get rid of them once and for all."

"I won't dissapoint you, sir." - Charles reassured "We'll communicate again tomorrow. I'll tell you everything I know." - He added

"Tomorrow? Aren't you worried that the toppat's will find out?!"

"They won't."

"If you say so... Goodbye Charlie, get some sleep."

"Goodbye General, and... You too."

Charles muted himself and flipped up the ear piece. It's gonna be hard keeping this one for himself, especially with all the toppat's still being cautious as he was, and still is a Government agent. But did Henry care about that fact? Of course not.

Charles knew that if he goes to sleep he'll wake up later than usual, the toppat's would obviously find that suspicious unless he lied. The clock showed 04:21 a.m. Charles knew that he had to go to sleep soon, so while thinking of a way to lie to the Clan, he fell asleep.

- Inside Charles' dream -

Charles was in the middle of a mission, suddenly he got a call from an unknown number. Suspecting it was someone from the military or a spam number, he picked it up, but didn't expect what he had heared...

Henry's voice...


"Oh yeah, Henry?!" - Charles said in excitement. "How's it been?" - He continued

"Bad, I got locked up at the wall. Before you assume anything, no, I didn't steal or commit a crime ever since I got pardoned."

"Uh huh..."

"Are you in your helicopter right now? I hear the blades' noise."

"Yeah, I'm-uh... Flying right now, actually."

"So, you're on a mission?"

"Yeah, I'm-uhh-I'm on a mission, but-uhh-I should have some time to swing by."

"Okay. Thanks Charles!"

"Yeah no problem. Can you-uhh go outside? It'll be easier for me to pick you up."

"Will do."

Charles looked up the coordinates of the wall on the GPS and started flying there. It took him 1 hour to get there, and he already saw Henry on the balcony which had a set of stairs.

"Will it be like the old times?"

"Yeah, uh..It'll be just like the old times! Hmm... There's a guard in the-uh... Way though."

"Well, what are we gonna do about him?"

The Pilot flying the helicopter giggled. "I have the perfect plan."

"Which is?"

Suddenly Henry started hearing the Helicopter coming closer, and when he looked at it, Charles was directly crashing the Helicopter into them while gleefully yelling

"♪This... Is... The greatest.... PLAAAAAAAAAAAN!♪"

- End of Charles' dream -

Due to Charles crashing in his dream he woke up, but what puzzled him more was the dream itself. He usually dreams about things that happened but... This time he didn't remember any of this happening.

"What the...." - Charles stopped himself from cursing.

"What... Was that.." - He said, confused by the dream that had occured.

"What was what?" - A voice asked.

"AH! WHO THE- Oh- It's just you Henry.. uh-wait. What are you doing here?!" - Charles stuttered, furious, embarrassed and scared off by the Toppat leader in his room.

"Good afternoon, now. When did you go to sleep." - Henry went closer to Charles. Practically being face to face, with his grin that screamed 'I'm gonna murder you if you don't tell me'.

"Oh? Well, if you want to know so badly." - Charles tried his best to not stutter on his words and slowly pushed Henry away from his face. "I kept waking up and going to sleep at night."

"Okay. I'll leave the room, you change, we both go to the Cafeteria to eat and after that we continue the tour. Charles nodded, every information was crucial.

The next few days were spent as said; Henry giving a tour to Charles to the Oribital Station, introducing him to the different Toppat's and Charles telling General all about everything at night, as the other party noted it down.

Nothing will last forever.

Someone will find out.

He has to get out.

A/N: Next chapters might come out slower, as I just got out from Artblock and writer's block :') Also because I'll be going back to school soon. Thank you for enjoying my story!

Word count: 1033

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