- chapter 2 -

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- Charles' POV -

I slowly woke up. My head throbbing, did I hit something? Where am I? What happened?...


It all came back to me like a fever  dream. Henry shot me with something that made me fall unconscious...Tranquilizer...

...I trusted him... Old habits really do die hard I guess... Once a thief, always a thief.

Once a criminal...


I got up from the bed I was lying on, still unaware of where I was. It was kinda cozy in here, a bit too cozy if I was held as a prisoner. Looking at my clothes, they were chang-

...Wait what. Did someone really change my outfit?!

I didn't feel my iconic red headphones on my head, so I looked around for them, noticing they were neatly placed on the nightstand. I quickly grabbed them and putted them on.

I rumble thru the room, looking for anything useful to help me escape, until I'm stopped by a voice coming from the outside

"Boss! I hear rumbling. He might have woken up." - said someone from the outside. I couldn't see them, but they were definitely using an ear piece.

Suddenly, the screen of a TV turned on, and there I saw him... The traitor himself...

I stood there, shocked, confused, mad, sad, looking at the infamous thief Henry Stickmin glaring at me with his stupid smug face.

"Where am I?! Where did you take me?! Why did you capture me?! Why?!" So many questions came to my mind.

I wanted to ask him all of them, but before I was able to, Henry spoke out first.

"Well, well. If it isn't Charles. Or should I call you Charlie?" - Henry teased.

I stared at him, dumbfounded. Did he guess what General calls me? Maybe just sheer luck? I don't want a traitor like him calling me that.

"...Don't call me that Stickmin." - I replied in anger.

"Someone's mad? Well too bad. You don't have any helicopter's to crash."  - He laughed which made me even more pissed off. How dare he kidnap me a-and then make fun of me?!

"That's not the point why I'm talking to you now though. Charlie."

"Don't call me that you traitor...!"

"Yeah, okay, sure. Anyways, As I was saying Charlie. I'd like to welcome you to the Oribital Station."

Did he really just ignore what I sa-Oribital station...? Like the one Galefore was talking about?

"Huh...? Did you just say Oribital station? Are-... Are we in space right now?" - I asked, stuttering in shock.

All he did was just nod...

He nodded...

We are in space...

Away... From home...

I look at my hands, thinking if this is all real. Maybe just a bad dream..

Questioning reality, as I began to tear up, my vision becoming a blur with each second that's passing.

"H-hey hey now! N-no need to cry Charles...!" - Henry reassured me nervously, only making me want to smash that stupid TV with that stupid grin of his that was becoming less smug.

"I promise you'll feel be-"

Before he finished that sentance I smashed the TV with my fist. Sure, it made my fist bloody but atleast I didn't have to listen to his voice anymore. Even if it was soothing...

"Why would HE even care in the first place?!" I thought

"He's probably trying to make me trust him, just to get any useful information about the government out of me" - I cried a bit.

If I don't give them to him, I might not get out of here alive but...

Even if I tried to escape I don't know how, where and when I should escape.

Suddenly I heared a knock on the door, the voice telling me to step back from the door. I obliged, having no other choice.

My anger was immediately back when I saw who entered...


A/N: 643 words :D I decided to split this chapters' plot into two chapter's as I don't want it getting too long, but I also don't want it to be too short (e.x 300/400 ish words), also mainly because I just wanted to end this chapter in that moment, on a cliffhanger.

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