-Chapter 18 - Movie night

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Despite the situation him and Charles were in before, Henry was relatively happy. He knew one Movie night wouldn't fix all what he has done, but it was definitefly a small step into repairing the relationship between him and Charles.

Of course, since he knew Charles' likes and dislikes there was an option of him bonding with Charles based on what the other person likes, completely ignoring his own opinion, personality, goals. But this option wasn't healthy, while he is the leader of the most notorious criminal organization, that doesn't mean that he can bond with the opposite side all with his true self. Even the closest bestfriends are gonna disagree, and those disagreements are apart of building a friendship, developing as a person.

"HEY!" - Henry jerked back as the pilot snapped his fingers in front of his face, resulting in Henry's zone out to end.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the past 6 minutes, how deep were you in your thoughts!?"

"Sorry." - Henry akwardly apologized, guiding his fork into his mouth to eat his breakfast while looking at Charles, noticing that Charles' plate is full of fruit and vegetables. Out of curiosity Henry decided to ask the person sitting in front of him - "May I ask why you took so many fruit and vegetables onto your plate?"

Charles looked at Henry with a bit of awe, ultimately deciding to answer his question after a swallowing the food he had put in his mouth.

"Well, I've been feeling very tired for the past few days. I guess I didn't get enough sleep so I didn't regain a bunch of energy that I usually do, so I started to eat food rich in nutrients that instead provide me with extra energy."

"That's so interesting!" - Henry claimed. "But then... What about the movie night? I don't want to cause you more trouble than I already did, in fact, I'm trying to make up for all of it!"

Charles looked at Henry, surprised, the words that came out of Henry's mouth.. 'I don't want to cause you more trouble [...] I'm trying to make up for all of it.' that one sentance repeated over and over in Charles' mind.

"Uh... It's fine, no worries." - Charles replied, the sentance still stuck in his head. Was this movie night Henry's way of unconciously apologizing to the Pilot for kidnapping him? But then General's plan... Eating his food bite by bite, Charles was deeply inside his thoughts.

It was strange, this was all strange. Why would Henry try to make up for all of what he's done? It's unreal, like the dream that you think is a nightmare but in reality it isn't.

Was Henry just fooling around with him? Was he trying to get him to stay forever? No. Even if he tried that, Charles wouldn't join him. He can't betray the whole Government that he holds close, he can't destroy his whole reputation that he has been building for so long.

In no time Charles was done with his breakfast, this was a norm for him. He'd think about something, and when he came back to reality his whole plate was empty while his stomach was full. Looking down at Henry's plate the Chief was almost done eating.

"Mind if I go ahead and hang out with Earrings? She promised to do something for me."

"Sure Charles, go ahead, she should be in her room with her friend."

"Okay, thank you." - Charles got up from the table and left the cafeteria. In reality he wasn't gonna go to Earrings yet, afterall, he's living a double life and Earrings was just an alibi of where he 'has' gone.

Walking into one of the toilets, he closed the door and flipped over his microphone, trying to connect with Galeforce.

"Come on... Work..." - The brunette pleaded whilst static could be heared coming from his headphones, signaling that General hasn't connected yet.

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