- Chapter 7 - Plan

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Charles woke up in his room in the Oribital Station. He hated this place as it was full of his enemies but he had no choice, besides atleast Henry was.... Different...?

"He's still the Toppat leader, but yesterday's interaction..." - Charles thought as he got up from his bed, flipped the light switch and changed into clothes he was provided with. He wore dark blue pants, and a white sweater, despite being a prisoner he guessed they still wanted him to dress elegant? I mean, most of the Toppat's were in suits unless off duty.

After changing, Charles walked up to his bed and tided it up. There was nothing he could do unless someone came to him, so he decided to play with his headphones, lowering them, highering them. "Wait, was that the ear piece?" - He thought, taking off his headphones and sure enough. It was there.

"They didn't take it off? How did I not notice it sooner! I might be able to contact the Gener-" - Charles stopped. How could he be sure that the Toppat's didn't mess with it? But it was his only hope of contacting the General, and possibly him enganging a rescue mission..!

Charles had to think about it, if he got caught he'd be dead meat, but that was his only way of escaping... Despite Henry's affection... Even thought it sure was comforting and warm, he still felt empty... He was hoping that Henry would change for good and yet he didn't. He choose power and wealth, there sure was no way he'd change!

At this point, he was lost in his thoughts that he forgot about the ear piece, and the fact that his headphones were in his hands. What brought him back to reality was the sudden knock on the door.

"Calvin, are you awake?" - The voice said over the door with an accent that Charles didn't recognize.

"Y-yes! Come in." - Charles stuttered out as he put on his headphones as to not get caught messing around with them, although...

He had a plan.

Upon hearing Charles' reply, the door was unlocked and a tall figure, wearing dark blue pants, a blue caridgan and a blue toppat entered the room. He had blond hair and blue eyes that had bags under them.

"The Boss wants to see you." - He broke the news to the pilot.

"Right now?"

"YES. Right now."

"No need to get so annoyed, geez."

"Whatever, follow me." - He left the room while Charles followed him, the pilot wondered if the other party has gotten any sleep in the past few days or maybe even months... Although it was stupid asking himself if the other person has gotten any serious sleep since there was visible proof of it, atleast Charles had something to think about on his way to Henry.

Suddenly the toppat, whose name was unknown to Charles stopped in his tracks. Turns out they were in front of a door, which the other party knocked.

"Come in." - Said the familar voice, Charles guessed it was Henry's office? Room? Eh, who knows. Without further questions to himself, Charles entered the room thru the door which Sven Svensson - as that was the name of the toppat that has escorted Charles to Henry's room, has opened.

"You wanted to see me..?" - Charles asked Henry, who was sitting behind his desk. When the prisoner entered the room, he looked up from his paperwork.

"Yes, I have an offer for you." - Henry got up from his chair and walked up to Charles, who stood in the middle of the room.

"W-well... What is it?" - He stuttered, due to how close Henry was he was suddenly nervous.

"Well... You'll spend quite a while in here so, why not give you a tour of the Oribital Station?"

Charles thought for a while. Knowing the layout of the Oribital Station would help with his plan. He only has to hope that this one thing works.

"Sure!" - Charles answered cheerfully with a big smile, a smile that Henry loved to see back in the different timelines... Why does he still refer to the other timelines, those are in the past, now, he's in the present. As the Toppat king whom had kidnapped his love. He sure thought it'd make a funny book.

Two opposite sides...

Enemies to lovers...

Either a happy or sad ending...

"Hello?~ Mr. Daydreamer wake up!" - Charles teasted Henry who was lost in his thoughts.

"Ah right, sorry, let's go then? I'll show you a bit of the Oribital Station. If we can't finish it today, we'll finish it tomorrow, alright?"

"Sure, let's get started." - After Charles said that, both parties went around the Oribital Station. They sure weren't gonna explore the whole thing in one day, but it's still some knowledge. Knowledge that's useful for Charles.

- Time skip -
(A/n: I hate time skips but we have no idea of how the Oribital Station lay out looks like (Let's ignore Jewel Baron))

"That's enough for today. I'll show you the rest tommorow" - Assured Henry, to which Charles agreed. It was already 9p.m, they should go and get some sleep.

Little did Henry know that Charles wouldn't go to sleep until he tested something...

"Well... What do you think?" - Henry asked walking back to Charles' cell.

"What do I think about what?"

"The Oribital Station so far."

"Uhm.. It's, nice! Not my style though, I like the military base more." - Charles stated, to which Henry froze. Charles wanted to look Henry in the face but Henry turned away, so Charles didn't force.

He did hear a small whimper... Was Henry crying? Just when Charles was about to rest his hand on Henry's shoulder, Henry faced him with his usual look. No signs of crying, was he hearing things?

"Let's get going." - Said Henry, as they continued walking. His voice was sadder than usual, was he in pain? Charles didn't want to push Henry, as he was most likely on the verge of yelling at him, so he stayed quiet.

Eventually they reached Charles' cell. Henry unlocked the door and Charles walked in. He sat on his bed and waited to hear the sound of the door being locked, and footsteps fading away.

He had to wait till it was a bit late to execute his plan...

A/N: Is the plan one of Charles' greatest plans? Maybe... I mean, there are no helicopters but his plan is great.

Word count: 1054

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