- Chapter 12 - Trapped.

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A/n: Remember the part where in the previous chapter VH!Henry started talking instead of the TK!Henry? Yeah well, this is what was happening inside of Henry's mind where the Timeline's are located. :)


Unexpectedly, Valiant Hero was taken out of the endless space, whilst Toppat king Henry was teleported in. Every timeline knew what that meant, Valiant Hero timeline was the one in control right now and they knew that they had to. Everyone ran up to Toppat King Henry to hold him back. To be exact; everyone could be in control whenever they wanted no matter the timeline, but they'd need to be able to move which Toppat King was unable to do. Did I mention if they took control a lot of times in a small amount of time, they wouldn't be able to switch?

"LET ME GO! WHAT THE F-" - Toppat King was cut off, as his mouth and nose were covered by a napkin. Unfortunetly for him, he breathed in the drug that was poured into the napkin and soon enough fell unconscious.

"That wasn't much of a fight." - Said Revenged.

"You have robotic attachments afterall. No wonder it was an easy fight, although I wouldn't call it a fight." - Special BROvert ops pointed out.

"Thankfully Toppat King won't be able to hear what Valiant Hero is saying. I still feel bad for him, afterall in his Timeline Charles died..." - Cleaned 'em out murmured, his tone with a hint of guilt and sadness.

"The Charles he knew may be dead, but our Charles' are alive and well. He might still accidentally take control because of the escape pods but there's nothing we can do about it." - Triple Threat cheered up the other Timeline. "It is not our fault after all. It's Jacked Hughman's fault." - He added.

"I guess you're right." - Cleaned 'em out hugged Triple Threat while the other timelines dragged Toppat king into a chair and tied him up. Despite it being a never ending space, they could still 'spawn in' anything they wanted, well, besides people and other restrictions which all the timelines had set together.

The Timelines then went and listened to what Valiant Hero said. They could instantly tell what he was doing, he was giving hints to Charles about it all. There was no point in telling him about it whole or else Henry would most likely be marked as crazy.

Sure, what they were doing was dangerous as Charles could easily find out but that's alright, right?

"Wait!-" - The timelines heared Charles yell as Valiant Hero went out of the room and locked the door, he was trying to act like Toppat King but everyone knew he'll have a panic attack because he didn't let Charles finish, the same Charles that in his timeline died.

Valiant Hero bee lined to Henry's room and sat on the bed as the Toppat King timeline slowly started waking up, seeing this, Revenged started to dismantle to rope attached to Toppat King's hands and feet until it was gone, just in time for the other party to gain back their consciousness.

"You better had not messed with anything." - Murmured Toppat King in an annoyed tone as he stood up whilst massaging his wrists which were slightly hurt because of the tightly tied rope. Valiant Hero was still sitting on the bed, waiting for the other party to take control. Soon enough, he was back in the endless space and the Toppat King timeline was sitting on his bed.

"Annoying." - Thought Toppat King sitting on the bed, zoning off as he stared on the floor.

"Ididn'tlethimfinishI'msuchahorriblepersonIshould'vebeentheonetodieinsteadofCharles." - Panicked Valiant Hero as he curled up into a ball, tears falling down his face as he hyperventilated. He knew it wasn't the Charles from his timeline but the environment was too similar to that moment.

"Shhhh.... It's alright..." - Comforted Special BROvert ops and Triple Threat.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to post what was happening in the  s p a c e, also I'm losing motivation (I'll continue writing, the chapters just won't come out as often)

Word count: 614

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