- Chapter 5 -

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- Burt Curtis' POV -

I was sorting thru the files in my room, to try and find anything about Charles Calvin. Why did Boss take him? Who is he?

Well, he's a Government agent that's for sure. It's kind of ironic how he has the same headphones as me, just different colour and ear pieces.

Maybe there's a special bond between them? Something I don't know? Or maybe something that just only the Boss knows? Driving away from that topic, Sven seems to enjoy the shark plushie I gave him. It's nice to see him in a good mood, whenever I see him hugging the shark plushie it makes me... Feel warm... And somewhat makes me smile despite me rarely showing any emotions.

Sven is a pretty cool dude too! He's from Sweden, and even though he has an accent I don't mi-


What was that?! It sounded like it came from the showers! Wait-


I immediately rushed to the showers, expecting to see Stickmin unconscious, but what I saw shocked me even more.

Charles Calvin. Our prisoner, was on top of my Boss; Henry Stickmin...

Both of them looked at me, then at eachother, then at me once again.

"Burt, my man hah... It's not how it looks like." - Henry chuckled

I was taken aback, by hearing my bosses voice. I've never heared it before but I need to admit, it was soothing, although kinda rusty. "Boss, I don't mean to be rude but... I think it's exactly how it looks like."

"No, no! Let me explain!" - He told Charles to get off of him which he did, afterwards Henry stood up and walked up to me.

"Well you see...! Uhm... Charles was falling down and I wanted to catching him! But~ I failed aaaaand here we are." - He signed, his face was red.

"Sir, what do you mean by 'I wanted to catch him' last time I remember, you beated up Dave because he touched you."

"Shhh! Quieter you-" - Henry whispered before he was cut off by Charles.

"Wait! Dave? As in Dave Panpa?! Rupert and everyone else is worried sick about him!" - Charles half yelled

Henry gave me a death stare, like he was about to strangle me until I died. Normal behaviour from him if I'm honest, I'm not surprised or moved. He turned his face to Charles and stated:

"No. Dave Panpa isn't here, never was, and I have noo~ idea where he possibly could be."

Charles didn't respond, he just sighed. I could tell from his face that he didn't buy Henry's BS.

"Okay well. How about I walk our prisoner back to his cell, so you can go and rest early?" - I proposed, to which my Boss after a bit of thinking accepted.

I walked closer to Charles and reached my hand out to help him stand up.

"Thank you." - Charles thanked me as he brushed off the dirt from his clothes. As a way of replying I gave him a thumbs up.

After he was done, I took his hand and started walking back to his cell.

- No one's POV -

"So. Something we don't know besides you and Henry?" - Burt asked, Charles looked at him confused.

"No? What do you mean?"

Burt took a big breath. "Well, he never acts like that. Do you have any idea on why he is treating you differently? Heck! Your 'cell' doesn't look like one at all! We have a different cell where we hold our prisoners, which uses electricity to keep their hands shut."

"I mean... The only time I've seen him was when we were Infiltrating the Airship, other then that... Nothing"

"Huh? What do you mean Infiltrating the Airship? The Airship was attacked while I was on a mission with others?!"

"Pretty much. That's how Henry became the leader. Didn't he tell you?"

"No.. he always kept the way he became the leader a secret.."


"I really don't get it why he's treating you differently... Does he know something we don't?"

"I don't know, I'm still pissed off because well...! I was kidnapped!"

"Hmm... But how did you get Henry to try and Infiltrate the Airship in the first place?"

Charles stopped for a moment to remember. Sure, it hasn't been a year ever since Henry first broke out of the prison, stole the Tunisian diamond, and betrayed them, but he had difficulties remembering. It's like as if he didn't want to remember, as if it pained him to remember. But why?

"...why...?" - Charles unconciously questioned.

"Why what?" - Burt asked, his usually monotone voice and blank expression had a hint of worry...?

Burt looked at Charles whose eyes slowly became puffy as tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Did I... Say something wrong?"

Charles looked at the Toppat and slowly ceased his crying. "N-no... I just can't remember it.. I don't want to remember." - Charles murmured under his breath.

"What was that?" - Burt questioned, Charles ignored it and continued walking to his cell. Why was he feeling this way? Henry is a notorious criminal, he can't be hurt by him, right?

The rest of the way both of them were quiet, with Charles only sighing from time to time. He had to admit, he missed flying his helicopter. I mean, that's what his whole purpose in the military was as an experienced young pilot.

"We're here." - Burt finally broke the silence as they got to the door of Charles' cell. He opened the door and Charles walked in, closing the door behind him. Burt started walking to his office, until he came across Sven who looked like he's on the verge of dying from insomnia. It was obvious that he hasn't slept in a while, poor thing was most likely busy with the paperwork...

Even though Burt himself, had some paperwork of his own to finish, he couldn't bare seeing Sven's state. While Burt was scolding Sven and taking him to get some sleep, Charles was changing and fighting his own thoughts.

He couldn't understand why Henry did what he did... Is he really that bad? Was Charles wrong about him? Was his hope really shattered...?

As Charles sat on his bed, his hands covering his eyes that slowly wetted his hands, he thought....

"Why me..."

A/N: Ah yes. Confused-sad Charles. Sorry if anyone seems OOC (Out Of Character) also, I know in the previous chapter I included a screen shot of the showers from Airship in among us, but let's just say they have the same showers in the Airship and the Oribital Station

Word count: 1049

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