- Chapter 4 -

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter sucks, mental health isn't good atm. Also to clarify; "No one's POV" is basically 3rd person POV.

The votes from the last chapter (as per the time i'm writing this) are as seen:

Tell him the truth - 1

Lie to him - 2

Let's start, shall we?


- No one's POV -

As much as the king hated it, he had to. He had to lie to Charles standing behind him, with his ever so curious face.

But what should he say? Should he just say that he captured Charles to get information about the Government out of him? But that would make Charles hate Henry wouldn't it? What should he say that would be a lie but wouldn't make Charles hate him.....

Henry couldn't think of anything, it started to overwhelm the Toppat. His face visibly becoming red, and tears building up on the corners of his eyes, he quickly looked away from Charles who had already seen the change on the other's face.

"Hey! N-no need to get emotional Henry..." - Charles comforted, walking up to Henry and hugging him. Although he could attack Henry now, as he was vulnerable, he didn't. Even thought he hated Henry for what he did back when they Infiltrated the Airship, it still hurt him seeing him cry as Charles couldn't bare seeing someone cry,

No matter his feelings or hatred for the crying person.

Henry just stood there, trapped in Charles' hug wiping the tears escaping his eyes using the sleeve on his wrist, as an idea popped into his mind.

"Let go of me." - Henry asked Charles, sure it sounded hostile but he couldn't think of anything better. Thankfully the pilot obeyed and stepped back, giving Henry back his personal space.

"I guess I can let you know since you're gonna stay here for a while." - He began. "I kidnapped you to mess with Galeforce, I know you're one of their best pilots so I thought it'd be a funny idea to steal you away from them"

And with that question finally answered, Henry left the room locking it behind him thus leaving Charles to his thoughts.

- Charles' POV -

"Was Henry really that dumb to think it was a good idea?"  - I thought to myself, but no. Henry wasn't dumb, he broke into a bank, escaped a prison, heck! He even stole the tunisian diamond before we captured him to get his help with the Toppat's! That guy isn't dumb at all, if I say so myself, I think he's pretty smart and handso-

"STOP, DON'T YOU EVEN DARE FINISH THAT BRAIN!" - I shouted, he's my enemy afterall! There's absolutely NO reason for me to call him that, even if it's true in someway...

"What is he doing to me?!" - I thought embarrassed, slightly blushing WAIT I'M BLUSHING?! AAAAAAAAAA

I threw myself onto my bed, embarrassed and mad. Embarrassed because well... I think my enemy is handsome, and mad 'Cause he's my enemy not a friend, ally, bestfriend, boyfri- I~ should stop thinking before this goes too far. He betrayed the government afterall! He broke mine trust and is now treating me like I'm some sort of object who can be taken away like that!

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