- Chapter 13 - Decision

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"Wait!-" - Charles yelled but Henry had left the room and locked the door.

'What does he.... Mean..?' The Pilot questioned himself mentally as he tried to remember, but he failed miserably at his attempt. His memories were a blur, what does Henry mean..? Remember what he said..?

But that's not important, he can try to remember later. Right now, he has to remember what happened a few moments ago and tell it all to General once it's time.

- Time skip -

"Charlie, thank you for telling this to me." - Responded General over the ear piece. Charles has told the other party everything that has happened, skipping the parts that included choices or mentions of them.

"That was the only correct thing to do, sir. What should I do?" - Asked Charles as he smiled.

"Hearing the state Henry was in, you should accept. It shouldn't take much to break him."

Charles raised his eyebrows as the smile dissapeared from his face. "Sir? What do you mean by break him?"

"This is no matter to talk over the ear piece, Charlie. I'll tell you once you're both here."

"What do you- WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY BOTH OF US?! Answer my question!" - Charles half-yelled, hearing the General take a deep breath.

"You're so naive. Do you really think Henry just has a random change of hearts?"

Charles was silent, he has never thought about this like that. "That's what I thought." - General added.


"No buts. This is the harsh truth, Charlie, you're being lied to."


"Go to sleep, you have to rest well." - General stated as the noise coming from the headphones changed into static. Charles sighed, he turned off his microphone and flipped it up.

"Henry, General... What are you both hiding..." - Murmured Charles as he threw himself onto the bed, fighting the urge to bang his head against the wall over and over till he has an idea of what is happening. But he knew that wouldn't help, and would instead injure him, he realized his only option is to wait for the government...

- Time skip - (morning)

Henry was sat on the chair in his room, he was drawing with one hand as the other was used to support his head, pushing onto his cheek. The timeline's were bothering him and he wanted to calm himself down without another mental breakdown, so he started drawing.

Henry drew whatever he wanted. Ranging from money, jewelry and coins, to people. He found it rather calming whenever he drew whatever he wanted, like money, power, Char- nevermind.

Although, nothing changed the fact that he slowly realized why most of the Timeline's hate him. He's selfish, controling, manipulative, two faced, narcissistic...

He was just a bad person overall.

But that doesn't mean that they're better than him! I mean, Toppat Civil Warfare used Ellie to escape the wall without helping her, meanwhile he helped her and later on added her to the clan. He's way better than TCW and the others!

Coming back to reality, he looked at the paper. There were three Henry's on the page that appeared out of nowhere, Super BROvert ops, Revenged and Valiant Hero. Seeing this, something broke inside of him. He didn't want to see them especially right now. His breaking point was broken. Henry began to uncontrolably and rougly scribble over the Timelines whom had appeared on the page.

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