- Chapter 19 - Time well spent together.

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- Charles' POV -

Time went by rather quickly after my encounter with Earrings, or maybe I was able to distract myself hard enough for it to have turned night time out of the sudden. Although my perception of the amount of time passed hasn't been the greatest ever since Henry has captured me... I guess being in space for a long amount of time messes with your mental time clock, or atleast it seemed to be the case for me.

I was headed to Henry's room, I've gotten used to the layout of this place so I could lose myself in my thoughts and still make it to my destination. If there was one thing that constantly interrupted my train of thoughts it had to be the moment where Henry asked me to watch a movie with him. It's not like I'm someone close to him like Ellie who is his right hand lady.

After a not so long while of walking thru the hallways I reach Henry's room. Taking one deep breath to calm my anxiousness I allow my knuckles to gently yet firmly knock on the door which is soon opened by Henry, who I am promptly greeted by, and invited to come inside as he moves himself to the side to allow my entry.

"I tried getting some snacks but you know how much people like snacks," - Henry chuckled scratching the back of his head before closing the door, "I did go to the earth to get some more of them for us, although it seems like we'll need to do a heist on a couple of supermarkets, or maybe a mall. What do you think?" — I sit down on the side of Henry's bed, listening to his question.

"Uhm.... it depends, if we're in need of a bunch of food or if we're running out of it. In that case supermarkets would be a better option." - Henry began to turn on the TV, looking at him I could tell that for some reason he was happy, ecstatic even.

"Henry," - I speak up once more, catching the Chief's attention who's currently continuing to select a movie, letting out a quiet 'mhm?' to let me know to continue. "You seem pretty joyful... Why?"

Henry's eyes lit up as his delicate fingers halted pressing the buttons on the remote. Gently putting down the remote on his left after a brief moment of silence; I guess he was thinking of a way to respond to my question.

"Ah well... I just wanted to make you feel welcomed into the clan." - He fake smiled for a moment before then picking up the remote to continue searching for a movie.

"And? That can't be all, can it?" - I pushed forward onto the topic although Henry didn't bother responding to it at that point so I decided to drop it and instead focus on the night. Me and Henry were staring at the TV as he was scrolling thru a list of recommended movies until one caught his attention. He stopped scrolling and pointed to it with the remote.

"What do you think about this one, Should I put it on?" - He asked, looking over at me with a slight spark of excitement in his voice.

I glance over at the movies name, 'The Maze Runner', "Sure, go ahead," - I answer after getting curious about the movie upon reading its description.

- Timeskip, 3rd POV -

The time was close to 1a.m, most of the Toppat's were either asleep or heading to sleep.

Henry and Charles were almost halfway thru the movie, Henry being somewhat invested in the plot and taking note of every detail. On the other hand Charles seemed to become more anxious with each minute passing by, checking his watch every few minutes.

Although Henry hasn't said anything about it he has noticed Charles' repetiviness of checking the watch, but decided to brush it off as the ex-Pilot being worried about maintaining his sleep schedule. Charles takes another peek at his watch, '1:34a.m.' read the time. The Toppat gets up, "Henry if you don't mind, I quickly need to use the res-" — Charles' excuse was cut short as a loud crash was heared, alarms began going off as a bunch of footsteps began to flood the hallways.

Henry is taken by surprise by the sudden wave of loud noises, looking over at Charles who was staring at him. There was a loud silence between the two, besides the footsteps and gunshots that could be heared behind all the walls dividing them from the hallways. Henry zoned out, looking at the wall where the most noise was coming from before coming back to reality.

"Charles...?" - Henry looks back at Charles with a mix of worry and concern in his voice. He wasn't there though, and the once closed door was now wide opened letting all of the noises from the hallways fall in like a strong breeze. Noticing this and piecing everything together Henry got up and quickly ran out of his room, looking around the hallway to find where exactly the noises are coming from before running towards their direction.

Maybe he was pointlessly running towards his death, but it was the only hope he had left of finding Charles. He ran for what seemed to be an eternity towards the approximate sound location of the gunshots, but he didn't find anything besides a few corpses of some people he once knew and worked with.

Then it struck him — the room with escape pods.

The Chief continued running, seeing the chaos that was now in the hallway. Such as dead bodies of the Government soliders who were unlucky enough to encounter those who weren't asleep, helmets, top hats. Henry stops in his tracks,

Charles' Top hat was on the ground.

Henry looks up and notices Charles, "Charles?!" - Henry notices the change of color in Charles' clothes. They were that of those Government corpses he had seen earlier, "Charles...?"  - Henry repeats Charles' name again, this time quieter as his voice trembles and his eyes widening.


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