Other Friends

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Louisa's p.o.v

We were still talking when we got to how many times I either do so much for the team or just I don't know when to quit. "Yeah, it's like you like the danger, dudette" Mikey teased which made my jaw tighten at his words. I could feel the fur on my tail sticking up a bit on end as I narrow my eyes at him "Michelangelo, never say that again." Mikey's eyes widen as he looks at me "what did I say!?" He asks confused and looks at his bros for help. Donnie was also glaring at him before Leo softly facepalmed, Raph on the other hand hit Mikey upside the head.

"Guys, lighten up on him - he doesn't know-" "OW! Doesn't know what?!" Mikey says as he rubs the back of his head to ease the pain. Softly sighing I say "I just.. worry for you all so much and try to help because I'm super strong. Ya know?-" "and here we are!" Casey's voice got our attention as Sam just came out of the kitchen. Looking towards the entrance we see Casey- with Hazel?! My eyes widen as it felt like my heart dropped. Hazel looks around before giggling and pulling out hook swords before glaring at us.

Sam threw her water bottle as she grabs out her daggers saying "since when is Hazel bad?!" I stand up facing her too. "I don't know!" I yell out as I power up, Donnie stands up while looking at us confused "that's Hazel?!" He asked while getting his bo-staff. Leo stands up as he waits to get out his katanas saying "I thought you said she was a goody-goody." Mikey stands up too as he was about to grab his nunchucks, but Hazel finally makes her move.

"That's right I've seen the story - over and over again" Hazel sang as she went to hit Mikey, so he yelps as he barely dodged her blades. She got close to him as she's smirking-
"Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends!" Hazel sang before kicking Mikey back, my eyes widen as I watch him fly back. 'Oh no... Powers was right' I think as my feet start to freeze to the floor, so I struggle with calming down, but Raph runs towards her.
"That's right, I've seen the story" Hazel sang as she easily dodged Raph's swipes of his sais before punching him right in the face. "Ow!" Raph said as he shook his head to get the pain away, but Hazel kicked him back too.
"Don't really like how it ends" Hazel sang as he flew right into Mikey and everything as Sam runs towards her "snap out of it, Haze!" She yelled out. Hazel didn't look too happy-
"Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends.." Hazel sang before shooting vines out of her palms- my eyes widen at this. She twirled Sam around though making her scream a bit with each twirl-
"What did she say about me? What did she say?~" Hazel sang as she twirled her before twirling her away and onto the couch. With this Leo runs over to fight her too- she just grew out more vines and got them around his ankles.
"What did you do without me? What did you do!?~" Hazel sang as she went up onto the ramp and yanked Leo's legs back and forth. Then she tied the ends in her hands to Raph's ankles and made them bonk into eachother. Now Donnie's running toward her-
"Why was I at home when Sam got to stay!?~" Hazel sang before spin kicking Donnie away, my fear finally went away as I glare at her. Though she just wrapped vines around me and pulled me close making me yelp as my dog ears press against my head.
"Did you think that I wouldn't get to find you?!~" Hazel sang as she still has me close, my eyes are wide as I can't move again. She jumped up on the ramp again before wrapping vines around all of us before pulling us all into the other- we grunt at the pain.
"Oh!~- that's right, I seen the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other~- friends~..."
 Hazel sang as we all struggle within the vines that we're wrapped up in. Casey's words got my eyes to widen- "I've never even heard of you before... who are you, yo!?" He yells out. Hazel softly growls-
"Who am I? Who am I!?
What are you even saying?!"
 Hazel sang as she pulled Casey up towards her 'oh, man... maybe I should've at least tried to talk her up to him.'
"I'm the loser of the game you.. didn't know you were playing~" Hazel sang before she ended up getting a vine into a crack in the ceiling. Then she hangs up there while looking down at us-
"Let's play another game, this time I get to win!~" She sang before making flowers grow around the lair, we finally got ourselves untied though. We look around at the flowers confused- 'they aren't even fully sprouted yet' I think confused.
"Lives on the line- winner takes all- ready or not, let's begin!~
OH! That's right I seen the story over and over again"
 Hazel sang before swinging towards us, but she kicked Leo away from us. Sam's glaring at her now-
"Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other friends.." Hazel sang as I was about to run at her, but she tied me up again making my hands be against my back. I yelp at this as she got me close to her-
"That's right I seen the story- don't really like how it ends" Hazel sang as the flowers finally start to sprout open. "Honeybee/Shorty!" Donnie and Raph yell out worriedly as they try to run this way-
"Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other~.. other~- oth-errr~ Frie-ie-iends!!" Hazel sang out as the flowers start shooting out some type of dust. She takes a deep breath before saying "nice to meet you~" I look at her confused for that. The guys start trying to run over- but fall down asleep and I had late realization as my vision gets spotty. I start to fall too as I'm basically about to pass out-


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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