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Louisa's p.o.v

She looked at me confused before lifting the sphere over her mouth, so I think of it melting and she opened her mouth and drank the water. The Kraangbots got a needle and get close, so I keep struggling in the restraints as I shake my head. "No no no- not again!" I say as I feel my eyes tearing up, my dog ears press against my head too. A thud happened which made me look and see Hazel fell to the floor 'okay, well that happened.' I continue to struggle in the restraints before they finally stuck it in my arm and I scream out in pain.

They took an entire needle full of blood before starting to walk back and forth to do a few things, I tried to pay attention just in case. 'They got this greenish smelling liquid- that smells like something burning, yellow liquid the same color as April's shirt. Then the blue of what a pepsi can is- ugh, and it smells like something died and was left to rot.' I stick my tongue out in disgust at everything I got to look at before they mixed it all together with my blood. The mixture had a bit of an eruption of grey smoke before they poured it over one of their dimensional portal things.

Powering up I let the hole in my arm heal up a bit as they open the portal a bit in front of me, so I'm not able to see what's happening. Though they had information sent to other Kraangbots on what coordinates to look for before going in. "No- don't you dare! NO!!" I scream out as I struggle in the chair again, but Kraangbot after Kraangbot go in. 'It's too late... they're already making their way' I think before sighing and just giving up. Sitting here I just try to think on if I'll just stay stuck here or if Hazel will wake up and have her memories back.

No one's p.o.v

April led the guys to up top and they had to barely hide a bit as it's still a bit light out, but that's when they get to TCRI. "Please tell me she ain't in there, yo!" Casey says as he remembers her trauma with them. Donnie mainly remembered that they're always wanting to go to her dimension as he felt the color draining from his face. April lifted up her hand as she says "that's where I feel her energy" Leo stands up fully as he says "okay - let's head in there, team." With that the seven run towards TCRI and try to go in stealth mode but notice there isn't any Kraang.

"Does that mean-?" "I don't know, sister - we'll have to ask her" Raph interrupted Sam as April still led the way. Finally she points at a door saying "she should be on the other side... and it feels like someone else is in there. I don't know who" Donnie narrowed his eyes at the door saying "it could be Hazel setting up a trap." Leo motions forward and they all jump in, ready to fight just in case- but they just see Louisa.

Louisa's p.o.v

I look up at the group as the portal finally closed, Donnie ran over instantly saying "oh my gosh, honeybee - are you okay?!" I nod my head softly. He got me off the chair as Sam noticed Hazel knocked out on the ground "what happened?.." she asks. "I think Hazel was brainwashed... I might have helped her get back, but I don't know" I say as I walk forward. The group looks at me confused as Mikey gets Hazel wrapped up in his nunchucks. Casey stands in the doorway saying "Weeza, did they-?" "Yeah... they did" I say as I just push past him.

It took a bit but they finally started following after me "you're kidding!" Leo says shocked, so I shake my head as my eyes tear up. "Louisa, I..I'm so sorry" Donnie says as we keep walking, but I just softly smile saying "i-it's okay. We're all alright at least, right?.. they'll probably be fine" I hug myself as my tail wraps around my waist. I keep walking until I finally found a window and jump out, the gang followed me as I can feel them looking at me. "Is this one of your sad moments, dudette?.." Mikey asks quietly, so I force a small smile.

"What would there be to be sad about, Mikestar!? Everything's fine! Okay-dokay" I say as we jump rooftops, it's starting to get dark now. We keep going until we got to the closest manhole that's by the lair and I jump down into an alley. Chuckling a bit I say "my world has armies and everything, they can fend for themselves. Plus, who's to say they aren't winning already?" Before I could lift the lid someone put their hand on my shoulder. Looking up I see Raph as he says "Weeza, quit trying to lie to yourself! We got to see if they're alright."

I softly growl as I glare up at him saying "if I say they're fine, they're fine, alright Raphael?!" "Honeybee..." Donnie chimed in now. We both look over at him as he takes my hands in his saying "you know that we all know they're in trouble. Can you please just open a portal so we can see?.." sighing I close my eyes and nod once. Casey opened the manhole and we start to go down, when we're in the sewers it was quiet. April finally broke the silence saying "I'm sorry, Louisa... I know we're barely on good terms, but I would never wish for this to happen to you."

That got all our attention as Sam was the one to say "you wish for stuff to happen to her?? That's messed up" I softly chuckle at this. "Give her some slack, we used to have beef with eachother for a while" I say as we walk. "Wait, you did?" Mikey asks confused, Raph chuckled saying "it was kinda obvious" "it was??" Donnie and Casey ask now. That got the rest of us laughing since it was basically over them- even Mikey was laughing. I'm guessing he could assume it was about them since he's actually laughing at this with us.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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