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No one's p.o.v

-at the lair-

Dezzy's been on a rant over how stupid Louisa was for making herself get in the middle of a shot instead of shoving Leo out of the way. Donnie had to make everyone get out of the lab except for Kit and Baxter as they're all running rapid. They're trying to figure out if they needed it stitched or just disinfected and bandaged. Though now that Louisa's back in this dimension her powers are back to full power and the wound starts healing up. "Guys, wait!.." Baxter says since he was the first to see it, Kit stopped as Donnie was still running frantically.

She noticed too while tilting her head "well... son of a gun" Kit said while softly smiling, that confused Donnie into looking. He noticed that her wound is healing up, so he runs over to see if she was still breathing. Sighing in relief Donnie just says "she's still breathing too" Baxter softly nods saying "she always is. Hermana can never get taken down by the looks of it" Kit chuckles saying "you can say that again." A portal opened up and the three stood in a fighting stance- when all they seen was Sam barely dragging Mikey through.

"Nah, don't worry - it's not like he weighs more than me and Weeza combined thanks to the shell, I got it!" Sam yelled out. Donnie ran over and picked him up for her making her sigh in relief before just walking out. Baxter was the one to ask "what took you so long!?" "I had to answer the media so they'd get their story straight. We saved them from invasion, got rid of the entire alien race and I gave Weeza the credit." Kit crossed her arms saying "why'd you do that?" "Look at where you're standing and where she is."

The three look at Kit before they all look at Louisa "she's always riskin herself for us... always trying to be there for us to talk to. She sees the good in others that most wouldn't even bother to look for.. she even just saved Leo. Honestly she even was a bit like this at home before coming here" "really?" Donnie asks curiously. Sam nods once saying "always being there for me and Hazel and we mighta took advantage of that. Since she's out and the rest of us are up and about... I thought she should get the credit."

Sam could feel her powers flowing through her again as she narrows her eyes at Kit saying "and if anyone has a problem with that-" "nope, I'm good." "That's what I thought" Sam said before letting her eyes go back to their normal color. Then she walks out as Louisa groans, she sat up while holding her head "wow, did I almost die again?" She mumbled out.

Louisa's p.o.v

Someone hugged me instantly- "hermana!!" Baxter says happily, so I softly chuckle and pat his shoulder "hey, Bax - good to see you again." Kit got into my view as she says "ya really know how to give the docs on the team a good scare." "Hey, someone's gotta keep ya guys in business" I joke which made us all chuckle. "Honeybee, you gotta stop sacrificing yourself for us!-" "I know, I'm sorry... but I knew I wasn't as strong. I wouldn't have been able to push Leo out of the way and taking the shot in a place where I knew I'd survive seemed like the best option."

Donnie softly smiles saying "I'm just so glad you're okay" "okay, now I wanna ask.. why are you holding Mikey?" I ask and point at him. He shrugs saying "I dunno, Sam just carried him in here - he seems to be doing fine, so I'm just gonna take him to his room." Kit helped him with the door, but once they were out both Leo and Raph run in- with Mondo on Raph's back. "Oh my gosh- Louisa!" "Weeza!" Leo and Raph yell out happily as they push past Baxter. He grunted as these two basically get close to squeezing the life out of me, so I power up and squeeze back.

They grunt as we all chuckle and Mondo jumps behind me and starts messing up my hair while laughing happily, so I chuckle at this. Letting go from the hug I mess with his hat and Leo says "you scared us-" "him more than me" Raph teased. Leo gently elbowed him which made us chuckle "I can say that's a lie!! He vented a bit to me before running to the lab." We look towards the lab doors and see that Dezzy's there with a bit of a smirk and her arms are crossed. Raph deadpans at her saying "can I tell ya anything?.." "I dunno, maybe - depends" Dezzy teased.

They stuck their tongues out at eachother like they were children, so I share a look with Leo as I know we're both questioning this a bit. He clears his throat which got their attention "anyway, Sam just got back and said she talked to the government or something. While she was gone she found the Kraang's portal and destroyed it-" "wait, where's Hazel?!" I ask. Raph raised an eye-ridge at me "are you serious right now?!" Dezzy softly facepalms too. "You just got up after being shot - from an alien invasion that she STARTED!!" Leo says to me.

Dezzy then adds "and you're worried about a girl that is perfectly fine out there??" I power up as I say "yes, because I want to know." "Shorty, your eyes-" Raph started as I just used my speed and ran out and found Hazel in the dojo. She was looking up at the tree before giving it a bit more life "I hope you live a good life here." I softly smile "Hazel?.." she yelps as she looks back at me "oh, Louisa!.. I didn't hear you come in." "I used my powers-" "makes sense... look, I'm sorry for what I've done" Hazel says while looking down.

I shake my head saying "hey, it's okay!.. I knew you weren't in your right mind" she softly smiles at me "can we.. start over?" I nod at that. We hug as I put my face in her shoulder "come on, I got to introduce you to the gang that's here." "Man, this group is really growing, isn't it?" Hazel asks as we walk out, so I chuckle while nodding. "You have no idea" I tease as everyone's out here (minus Mikey) and they're looking at us. Slash and Mondo are still here too for some reason as I just playfully elbow Hazel saying "guys, this is my cousin... Hazel Jones."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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