The News

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Louisa's p.o.v

The group seemed on edge with me presenting Hazel, but she smiles as she says "I think I have an idea on how we can show I'm good." She whispered the plan in my ear and I smile as my tail wags "ooo, this will need Sam too." Sam shakes her head saying "okay, I may have covered for her to get back here, but I'm not in. She has to prove to me herself that she's not gonna pull anything" Hazel winced at that. "Sam.. I'm sorry, I-" "nope, I don't want to hear it" Sam interrupted and walked away.

We share a look before I look at the group saying "we were just gonna sing a song and Sam would have been amazing in it. Hazel will adjust to being here just like me and Sam have, seriously - but Sam can do a backflip." "What's so special about that??" Dezzy asks which made Hazel say "without using her powers." The group now realized why we wanted Sam to do this with us, but I get my phone ready with the music. "Let's just get into the dojo, we can do this without her... hopefully, it would've been fun."

I nod saying "the three of us doing something together again?.. totally" "actually, you should see the news first" Kit says and walks to the couch. The rest of us were confused as we walk over towards the couch and sit down waiting for someone to turn the news on. "I meant your world news" Kit informs us and tossed me the remote, that confused me even more. I look at the group saying "anyone know what she's doing?" "Yeah, just watch" Donnie says with a smile. That didn't help as I just turn the news on from my dimension and we're looking at a reporter.

"We are gonna talk about the sudden invasion that had transpired-" "wow, they really work fast!" Mondo says a bit shocked. Everyone agreed and we just try to see what happened, but Baxter chuckled this time. 'They know something-' "a random portal opened up somewhere in the United States and that's where it started. Everything fell into place and it looked as if they were aliens from a completely different dimension. Not just that, but also from-" "oh no! I hit Louisa on accident" Leo says a bit scared and hit my foot.

I yelp and pull my foot close to me, letting go of the remote and the channel changed "hey! I was watching that!!" Dezzy and Raph exclaim. I chuckle saying "Raphaezzy being in sync again~" this got Donnie to playfully roll his eyes. I grab the remote and the news gets back on "we don't know how they could have gotten here. Though we didn't get that good of footage of how it all ended since everyone was either turned or hiding. After it was all over and everyone was back we got information from the government on what fully happened."

Leo looks around at us saying "what?.. how do they know??" "Sam may or may not have given them some information" Kit answers. "Dude! We're supposed to be secret!! We're ninjas, my lanta!!" I yell out at her response. She shushed me and says "just watch" we look back at the tv since she said that as I shake my head. "A girl named Samantha Davis gave us the information, she said she didn't care if we said her name, so we are." A picture of Sam from the day pops up on the screen and she looks pretty beat up... besides that still looks good.

Baxter hums out loud before saying "wow, you look pretty beat up-" "just shut up and watch, Stickman" "it's Stockman." "She said that what came here was Kraang, an alien race that wanted to fully invade and stay here on Earth. But she watched the person who stopped it all" the news reporter said which got me softly growling. "Oh, I am gonna-" "chill, Ms Chosen One - and just watch" "we are all safe and continuing on thanks to one girl. She single-handedly stopped the invasion and saved us all as she also almost sacrificed herself for us."

My eyes widen at the sound of this "what?! Are you kidding me??" Dezzy says a bit annoyed "the one and only Louisa Pulsifer. Cousin to Samantha Davis, and the same girl who apparently turned furry as seen in this picture." The guys are laughing as April giggles, but I just see a picture of me doing a peace sign. My tail is showing as my dog ears are up, so I tilt my head confused "they didn't just say that." "Oh, but they did" Raph says while softly elbowing me, so I softly roll my eyes at this.

"The only question is, where are these two cousins now... and will there be another invasion?" The reporter said before the news ended. I turn the tv off before looking at Kit and Baxter "why'd I get the credit?" I ask them confused. "You sacrificed yourself not just for your dimension, but for this one, plus Leo - she thought you deserved it" Kit answered. Dezzy started gushing as she says "okay, now I'm not upset that Weeza got all the credit- purrr. Sam can go off!!" "You are weird sometimes" Donnie says while looking at Dezzy "better than nerdy."

-later that night-

I softly sigh as we're in here, but a hand goes on my shoulder, looking back I see Hazel looking at me concerned which made me softly smile. "Everything okay?" She asks, so I nod saying "just wishing Sam would do this with us. We'd have so much fun! It'd be the three of us back again, ya know?" She looks down at this. "I know... it's all just because of me anyways" Hazel says a bit sadly, so I hug her saying "hey, it's okay. You didn't know" "that's just a dumb excuse at this point, Louisa - I still did what I did and I'm paying the price."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT No Big Deal (including a new character) [The Musical]Where stories live. Discover now