No Big Deal

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Louisa's p.o.v

"Everything's okay now, we're all here as a family and you can finally have a shot with Casey" I say a bit teasingly at the end. Hazel sighs before hugging back saying "I guess you're right..." "exactly, now let's get out there and do this thing." She chuckles before nodding and we go into where we have the spotlights set up for us and the singing. We stand back-to-back with smiles "woo! Go honeybee/dudette!" Donnie and Mikey say happily. "You got this Hazel!" Casey says as April softly rolls her eyes, so I chuckle as the music starts up.

"Took a leap through a portal, super weird
To New York where animals talk..."
 I sing as Dezzy cheers for us too-
"Oh~" Hazel did a bit of backup before I adjust my glasses and chuckle a bit at how good we're sounding.
"Now I'm here, got no plans
Just my luck that I'll do the best that I can"
 I sing again as I stick my tongue out playfully-
"Oh~" Hazel sang again as she playfully elbows me-
"Making friends and enemies
It's weird, but hey, it's growing on me!~" "Oh~"
 I sing as Hazel did the backup as I sang that one, so I grab her hand in mine.
"Dogs, frogs, things explode
Gonna be a bumpy road
Gyoza for snacks, pizza for lunch"
 Hazel and I sing as we smile at the other before I took a bit of a step forward.
"I think I actually love the sewers!" I sing out as I remember when I was at the swamp and had memories of here with Mikey.
"It's no big deal!~
Yeah, no big deal~"
 I sing with Hazel while we go back-to-back again, my tail wags as I look at the guys in front of us. Raph and Donnie are tearing up as they watch us-
"Find a way to start again, brush off the dirt and make some friends!" We sing out again before grabbing the other's hands and spinning around.
"It's no big deal!~
Yeah, no big deal~"
 We sing as we still spin before stopping and she twirled me for a second making me chuckle happily.
"I feel at home in a place that shouldn't be real!
Crazy strange, but it's no big deal!.."
 we sing before we high five and she giggles this time, Leo just walked in though.

"Well, it's certainly decent... I just hope a very cool dance move is coming up" he says as he stands there. Donnie and Baxter glare at him for that- I look at Hazel saying "here it goes-" but Sam came out of nowhere. She runs in before jumping back and does a backflip- landing it basically with the splits. 'What the-' "woo! Have y'all missed me?~" Sam asks before chuckling, so I share a look with Hazel.

"Oh!~~-" Hazel and I sing before helping Sam up to her feet and she winked at us-
"It's no big deal!~
Yeah, no big deal~"
 We all sing before we're all just dancing a bit in sync somehow which made my eyes feel a bit teary.
"I feel at home in a place that shouldn't be real!" We all sing as I step forward and throw my arms up saying "killer men-"
"But it's no big deal!" We sang together to show that we're fine with the fact that there's killer men, Sam wrapped around my shoulders saying "dating turtles-"
"But it's no big deal!" We sing to show that this is even normal to us despite their appearance, Hazel wrapped an arm around Sam's shoulders now saying "eating gyoza-"
"But it's no big deal!" We sing since gyoza is actually really good, but I see all the smiling faces and remember all the moments we've had together. Some of my happy tears come out at this-
"Finally me, but it's no big deal..." I finish the song off before the group comes up to us and basically say how good we were.

They were even a bit comfortable around Hazel, so I realize this is really where I feel like I belong... withing this family. This family within turtles, a black panther, a brother figure that was the enemy, my cousins and a girl we met from a different state. 'We really are a great group' I think as I hug Donnie, he chuckles as he hugs back.

-a few days later-

I smile at Donnie saying "I bet you Raphaezzy will happen before Hazey" "pfft- yeah right, Hazey is closer than Raphaezzy. As weird as it is seeing both couples so close when we've only known eachother for a month." Donnie was smirking at me before I hold out my hand and my tail's wagging "okay, bet." "Bet" Donnie says as he accepts my hand, so I chuckle softly before we start talking about how big our family has gotten. That's when Raph bursts in while holding Dezzy saying "SHE'S HURT!!" Then he set her down on the table.

We go to look her over as we notice her chest right below her neck is bleeding, it looks as if it's embedded into her right now. "Woah, I never had to deal with something like this before!!" Donnie says while freaking out a bit. Raph looks at us before looking at me "Weeza, you're the healer!!" He says scared, so I struggle with words. Hard swallowing I say "the thing-" "it looks like a meteorite" Donnie corrected me, so I side glare at him. "The meteorite is still in her, I don't know if it's a good idea to-" "JUST HEAL HER ALREADY!!" Raph snapped at me.

I flinch and quickly set my powered-up hands over her, it took a second but her body healed around the meteorite. She groans and opens her eyes "oh shell- Desiree, are you alright?!" Raph asks worriedly. "Desiree??" Donnie asks confused, Dezzy set her hand over Raph's face saying "that's for basically telling them my name." She sat up on her own saying "I feel weird..." I chuckle saying "well, ya do got a rock in you now." Her eyes widen as she looks at where the meteorite is, she smiles big saying "ooo! I know what this is!!" Then she put her hand up.

Glittery purple matter started to form as it made a portal "cool! I can go through time!!" Dezzy says before letting the portal close. "HOLY CHALUPA!!" Donnie says shocked before I say "okay, but I have a question" "what is it, Shorty?" Raph asks. I smirk saying "what were you guys doing? For her to get a meteorite in her, I mean " Dezzy's eyes widened. Though Raph has a dumb moment as he says "just having a date right outside of New York on a hill." Donnie groans and holds out ten bucks, so I chuckle saying "we didn't bet money, but I'll take it."

"RAPHAEL!!" "Oh sewer apples..."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT No Big Deal (including a new character) [The Musical]Where stories live. Discover now