The Truth

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Louisa's p.o.v

He could tell that I'm struggling though "sweetie, are you okay?" I chuckle saying "great as ever! You know I enjoy a good fight. Protecting the world- my family" I hard swallow as I hurt my hand on slicing one of the Kraangbots' head off. Hard swallowing I nervously chuckle saying "see?.. fun!" I barely shove him to the side and duck from a punch. Grabbing its wrist I move away from Donnie and swing it around before body slamming it and stabbing it in the brain. Now I'm heavily breathing as the song comes to an end, but I got grabbed by the back of my shirt.

I yelp as I'm held up off the ground "the ones known as turtles shall do the thing known as halt or the one known as Louisa Pulsifer gets it." The guys all freeze and the Kraangbots point their blasters at everyone, BTR included. 'Just like I said... I'm useless in this dimension, now I'm being used as a hostage' I think as I whimper.

No one's p.o.v

-a bit before Louisa got grabbed-

Kit got back with Slash and Mondo (little guy was bored), so she points at Hazel saying "that one wants you to hear her out. Watch yourself though, she might try something - she was the one that caused trouble this time." Slash nods once as he keeps one hand on his weapon "what is it?" Hazel looks up at him. "Okay, now I'll talk - I was accidentally transported here because of the Kraang I'm pretty sure. I don't know fully how I got here, all I know is I was in the woods when I got here and then I was deceived by a Louisa look alike."

The four was listening to every word that's coming out of her mouth "next thing I knew was I woke up with a bunch of Kraang around me. They tested on me with mutagen because now I'm able to grow all different types of plant life. I wasn't able to do that before, but before I could escape they made me an offer. Though given that I just got up after being tested on my memory was a bit foggy as I waited to hear the offer. They said that if I brough Louisa to them... they'd bring us home, I-I didn't know, I was just trying to look out for her."

Baxter shakes his head and was about to go off, but Mondo did it first "dude, what made you think she was in trouble?!" He yells angrily. Hazel looks down saying "I-I... that's hard to explain- but I just want to help! The mutagen corrupted my thoughts. Louisa, sh-she did something with ice and it got me back to my senses!! You got to believe me." Kit and Baxter look up at Slash, he was thinking it over as he looked in her eyes before sighing. "Get her outta those chains" he mumbles, Kit and Mondo's eyes widen as Baxter actually unties her.

Once she was free she sighs in relief "if the Kraang really are the reason you're here... you might be able to open a portal." "H-How?! I got to help Louisa!!" Hazel says distressed, so Kit groans saying "oh wow, this is how this is going. She always used both of her powers at once and it worked somehow, we didn't fully look into it yet." Hazel looked at her hands before stomping on the ground, the other four stood on alert as she just made a small sphere. Then she grew a flower on the sphere, but nothing happened, so she groans "nothing's happening."

Baxter's eyes widened "that usually works for her-" Hazel's eyes teared up before she stopped using her powers and made a flower. It looks exactly like a Sundrop flower off of a specific Disney movie as she softly sighs.
"Flower, gleam and glow...
Let your power shine~..
Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine"
 Hazel sang as she looked at the flower, but the four notice something. As she sings a light green aura surrounds her- a portal starts to slowly appear by Slash's side.
"Heal what has been hurt, change the fate's design
Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine~"
 Hazel sang as a tear fell from her left eye, she's worried for her family.
"What once was mine~..." Hazel finished and the portal fully formed, Baxter's jaw dropped as Kit smiled while chuckling.

"Hey girly, look at this" Kit says which made her look up and see that there's a portal there, she gasps and tried to think on what she did. Her eyes widen 'I sang while making a flower' she starts to make a flower crown slowly while humming. The portal stayed open as she puts her forehead against the portal while thinking of Louisa. A yelp is the first thing I heard, so she looks forward and sees that the Kraang have Louisa captured. "The ones known as turtles shall do the thing known as halt or the one known as Louisa Pulsifer gets it."

Slash growls as he says "they have Weeza!" "We gotta go and help!" Kit says next "I'll stay here, good luck!" Baxter says as he takes a step back. Mondo jumps on Hazel's back saying "let's go! Cowabungaaaa!!" Three of the four jump through.

Louisa's p.o.v

Now they're walking while having us at gunpoint- "let's go! Cowabungaaaa!!" A familiar voice yells out which made my eyes widen. "I know that voice anywhere, dudes!" Mikey says happily as the Kraangbots stop to see who yelled. Looking back we see Hazel- my jaw dropped as I seen her, but after her it was Slash and Kit. The portal closed as they start fighting the Kraangbots that have the others at gunpoint. With this distraction the others started trying to fight, so I dig into my sock and grab my secret kunai.

Smirking I say "hey, Kraang" it looks at me, so I stab it in the head saying "nice meetin ya!" With that I step hard on the brain. Hazel stomped on the ground, but only a pebble came up- my eyes widen at that "wait what?!" I yell out. "Weeza, how is she using her powers when you can't?!" Sam yells out, so I think on that. 'I-I don't know!!' I think as she made the pebble go through many Kraangbots' heads. "It feels like I'm learning again!- does that help you?!" Hazel yells out as she keeps doing this.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT No Big Deal (including a new character) [The Musical]Where stories live. Discover now