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Louisa's p.o.v

We made it back to the lair and Baxter and Kit instantly run up to us as Baxter was the first to say "what happened, hermana?!" I look down. Kit then says "you can't just exclude us because we went for a walk!" Leo spoke up though. "Hazel, Sam and Louisa's cousin, beat our shells in and captured Louisa... then took her to TCRI." Their eyes widen as I add "I was restrained and they finally opened a portal to my dimension." Kit crossed her arms saying "wow, didn't think that would happen" "you're tellin me" Casey agrees.

Though I hard swallow as I walk a bit away from the group, looking down at my hands I struggle with getting myself to open a portal. Someone sets their hand on my shoulder again and this time I look back and see Sam there. She nods once which actually got me to nod once as I hard swallow, so I use my ice powers a bit. Then softly I use my screaming powers and the portal opens up, setting my hand on it I made it transparent. On the other side is what looks like home getting invaded by Kraangbots, all with blasters and their perfected mutagen.

My eyes widen as I watch them turning people into their slaves and even the trees into the crystal trees, my jaw dropped at this. Sam's grip on me tightened before she took a few steps back "I... they really are invading." Tearing up I can feel myself holding back a few whimpers as the gang got quiet or they gasped before being quiet. "Dudette, we can save them!" Mikey says happily as Baxter steps up saying "yeah, we just made some retro-mutagen. It'll probably just be like the last time they invaded, we just got to take over a ship and shoot the retro-mutagen."

I shake my head as I watch the destruction "you're forgetting something..." "what's that?" Kit asks confused as we're all looking at my world. Softly chuckling I let a tear fall saying "I won't have my powers over there, we could get stuck there forever. Let alone I wouldn't be able to help like I usually do... I'd be useless" "don't say that" Raph spoke up. I clench my other hand tight as I say "I only have my powers in this dimension, I'd still be mutated, but no powers." "Louisa, your powers aren't all you have" Donnie tries to reassure me, but I shake my head again.

"Just face it! We thought everything was about to be over and here we are in a completely new situation where I'm useless. I couldn't even fight against Hazel!" I say as more tears fall out "I could never hurt her. No matter what- I just always wanted to be there for her, after she beat us all I still couldn't even fight her. Look at where that got me!" "Weeza, that's different" Sam says which made me glare forward at the portal. "How is that different!? I'm still just as weak and useless as I always am- just like back home."

The group got quiet before I sigh and look down at the floor, my tail drooped a bit as I stand here-
"Here we are in the future..
Here we are in the future and it's wrong~..
Just a second ago we were getting along~.."
 I sing before closing the portal and still letting my tears fall out.
"And now, they're doomed.. because of her" I sing while looking back at Hazel who's still knocked out and leaning against the wall. Then I sigh at all of this-
"Happily ever after, there we were..." I sing before dropping down to my knees and looking down at the floor sadly.
"When has it ever been easy?.. hasn't it always been hard to be us?" Donnie sang as he kneeled down by my side. 'It's been a while since I heard him sing...' I think as I feel my heart beat faster a bit. Leo chuckling a bit got my attention though-
"When you go against the grain.. there's always somebody around you can't trust" Leo sang as he kneeled by my side and narrowed his eyes at Hazel. I raise an eyebrow at this- but I was picked up which made me yelp-
"That's why we've got to have eachother, while we figure this out- we must!" Mikey sang happily before setting me back down.
"Because we.. are the best mutants!" Mikey added on as he put one hand on his hip and the other over where his heart would be. I chuckle a bit at this-
"And we never give up.. no we never give up on our friends" Raph sang which got my eyes to widen as I look over at him. He softly rolled his eyes before side smiling-
"As long as one of us is ready to fight a war!..
We'll find a way-
To save the day!
That's who we are!.."
 Raph sang before pointing at me with a smile, so I look back down and realize what they're doing. 'They're trying to get me energetic to fight' I think before looking back down again. "Oh great, this is turning into some kind of musical" Sam says a bit annoyed- but I start pacing around the room.
"Here we are in the future..
Here we are in the future and it's wrong!~.."
 I sing as I keep pacing, feeling like I'm probably making little iced up footprints on the floor.
"And here I am, thinking that I could be strong~.." I sing before dropping down onto my knees again-
"If I coulda just stopped her right there we'd be...
Totally fine!
Totally us!
Totally me!~"
 I sing before looking at my hands and went to facepalm, but someone grabbed my wrist- looking I see Sam.
"Even if it takes a few months to stop this all- we will
They may not know~- of the Kraang, but we do!"
 Sam says as she holds up a fist in front of me, so I side smile at her.
"Believe us, Weeza, we've known them longer" Raph sang as he helped me up, then Donnie walked in front of us with a smile.
"We've been through worse and got back stronger!" Donnie sang with his smile still on his face, his gap now showing which made my tail sway a bit.
"That's why we believe in us" Mikey sang as he bounced in his spot happily before all the turtles stand side-by-side with their arms over the others' shoulders.
"And we believe in you!~" They all sang out which made my jaw drop as I smile, Sam chuckled while softly facepalming at this.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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