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Louisa's p.o.v

"Keep the family safe, careful - that has a bit of a kick to it" I say as we start to walk back out, so with that we make our way to the park. The rest of the gang is already here, so I smile at this saying "okay, let's go across states. There we'll try to find a Technodrome and get everyone back-" "what about the Kraang that's still here?" Sam asks. I try to think on that "we'll think of that on the go, let's just hurry before anyone else gets turned." We all get back into ships again and start going from a few different states taking down ships and Kraangbots.

That's when someone's t-phone started ringing "hey Raph, you're on speaker" Leo says to him as I concentrate on flying this thing. "Uh, you might wanna come to where we are and check this out" Raph says a bit shocked. Donnie was the one to say "what is it?" "We thought Sam's parents were prepared for an invasion. You should see this dudette!" Mikey yells out, so I click my tongue saying "send me your coordinates. I'll head my way there" "got it!" April answered out before we hung up the call, Donnie showed me his t-phone.

Seeing the coordinates I set them into the ship and start flying towards there 'something about the name sounds familiar to me.' Once I got there I notice it's at a mall, so I set down on it and make the ship invisible "let's go in." We run downstairs and into the store, it didn't take long to find the four as they take down a few Kraangbots. "Why'd we come here, yo?" Casey asks, but that's when Raph points forward, there we see what they meant. There's a girl with a gun in hand as she screams while shooting Kraangbots left and right.

It wasn't even a scream of fear- it was angry screaming as she kept firing, at least until her gun ran out, then she grabbed a blaster. There she summersaulted with it somehow before shooting Kraangbots with that, so my jaw dropped. Smiling a bit I say "now that girl knows how to rule the apocalypse!" "You oversized pieces of gum is going down!" She yells out. Mikey chuckled saying "she's been going at it for five minutes now" I narrow my eyes at him. "And none of you helped?-" Raph does a warrior cry before running out to where she is and helped her out.

Donnie softly facepalms saying "of course he'd go" with that we follow after and take out what Kraangbots are right here. She's heavily breathing before looking at me "wait... are you the Louisa!?" She asks. I nervously chuckle as my tail wags softly "yeah, that's me-" "gurl, I've-" she stopped as she looked at the guys. "Uh- I mean... I heard some of these things talk about you, they were going after your family." I nod saying "we took care of that already" she nods before holding out her hand "hey, I'm Dezzy."

Smiling I take her hand saying "Louisa-" "ooo, wait - I got to do something real quick" she runs down the escalator and towards a store. "What is she doing?!" Leo asks, so Sam shrugged saying "only one way to find out" with that we went after her. I check out the store she's in and see it's Spencer's, so I look at her confused as she grabbed clothes. She stuffed them into her side bag that has an anime character on it with a bunch of different stickers. This confused me "are you stealing?!" April asks, so my eyes widen as I realize that is what she's doing.

"Uh, yeah... look, these are nice and they cost way too much - apocalypse rules, ya likes it ya takes it" Dezzy answers as she grabs them. I softly roll my eyes saying "okay, stealing is never a good thing-" "there's Hunter X Hunter merch. Not to mention fun looking lollipops" Dezzy interrupted me which made my eyes widen. My tail starts to wag at the sound, but Donnie says "Louisa, no-" "yeah, don't go before me!" Mikey says happily. Then he runs to the back saying "I want a lollipop!" I follow after him as I see what she meant by fun.

Mikey's eyes are wide as he runs out "I'll wait out here for you, dudes!" He said quickly as he stayed out there, Sam came back and laughed. The bros were curious on why he ran out so quickly which meant they came back here too. "Ugh- what the shell?!" Raph says as he was the next to run, Sam walked out as Donnie averted his eyes and fast walked out. Leo put his hands over his mouth as he gags, April was about to come back but as Leo walked out he pulled her out with him. Casey came back though and he chcukles and grabs the girly lollipop saying "I'm keepin this."

I groan in disgust saying "you would ruin this for me" I say as I grab the guy looking one, Dezzy grabbed both a guy and a girl one saying "I'm keeping these." With that we got a bit of stuff, I got a Demon Slayer bag and hoodie before shoving different merch in my bag. Dezzy chuckles saying "alright, I'm ready to go" with that we walk out and the guys are giving me a weird look. "What?" I ask as I look at them, so Leo softly facepalms saying "we don't have time to shoplift. We have to think of a plan!" I think that over before remembering something major right now.

Smiling a bit I say "guys, we're going to Florida" "oh man, anything but Florida!" Dezzy says upset, the guys look at her confused. Though April is the one to cross her arms "who says you're coming with us?" "I do, she's great with fighting. You seen her!" Me and Raph say while motioning an arm out to her, so she smiles at this. "Alright - here we have April, Casey, Sam, Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey while I'm Louisa. now let's get going to the Kraang ships!" I say quick before running towards the ship that we parked.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you anotehr chapter soon!


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