Welcome To The Umbrella Academy

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Oh no, a requested set of mannerisms. What ever shall I do?

Hello lovelies! I'm Izumi, and I'll be your tour guide to this emotional roller coaster of a book. I hate to be that one author, but I'm only doing this because I have learned these past two years.

Please do not talk about sensitive topics! Ex: abortion, sexual abuse other than that in the story, politics, etc... Anyone who talks about these topics in my comments will have their comment deleted with a 24 hour warning. My comments have become chat-like areas, and therefore, I must watch them.

⚠️For the love of God, I understand that the first season is awkward due to Y/N being in an adult body. It all sorts out in season two. I wrote it like this on purpose. I will not re-write my story in any way, shape, or form. If this makes you uncomfortable, please leave. There are hundreds of other books that deserve your attention.⚠️

Haha, author, why in the heck would you write it like that?

SPOILER: Y/N was in that form when Five witnessed her DIE. So it's emotional manipulation, basically.

My comments are NOT vent chats. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to message me. I'm here for you.

If you have any complaints, please message me directly.

TheNamesBucket is a trusted family member, and will be in control when I am not. Please show them respect and kindness, and treat them as you would treat me :]]]

I understand I sound like an over-controlling discord monitor, but I have learned that it is probably for the best that these rules are set in place.

☂︎︎Cocky ☂︎︎ | Five x Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now