THREE. popularity is a curse

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DANIELLE NEVER found entertainment in football

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DANIELLE NEVER found entertainment in football. She never really found any reason to cheer on a couple of bad players for a few hours while the towns praised cheerleaders did what they were practically made to do.

The only reason why she showed up was to support Vanessa.

The whole game was a scam. Seabrook's football team sucked. They hadn't won a game in years and that wouldn't change tonight with how Zed was playing.

But the only reason he woo'd the crowd at the pep rally was because of his Z-Band being turned off.

Which, it turned on, would only turn him into the zombie freak people thought he was.

Danielle sunk off from the stands, not like anyone would really notice, and headed towards the locker room.

Just in time to hear about the Z-Band situation.

"So, are you gonna turn it on?" She asked.

"Would it be so bad if I did?"

"It would only show that people were right about zombies." She said, leaning against the locker, "How zombies are a danger to society because one zombie was capable of destroying a football team on his own."

Zed sighed and rested his head in his hands.

"I could... ghost for you. You throw the football and people will think you have a good throw but it's really just me sweating for you."

"You would do that?"

"No one really gonna know that a ghost is out on the field, would they?"

"I thought you couldn't control it?"

"I can't, but the focus would be on me being a ghost instead of you being really bad at football."

Danielle would risk her secret over a football game she had no interest in... and all because a zombie wanted to prove that he'd could be just like everyone else.


"Using your Z-Band in a continuous pattern could affect you in the long run." Danielle said, "

But Zed had come up with an idea that he deemed better than exposing the girl as a ghost.

And whatever plan he had worked. Zed had won game after game and Seabrook began to like the zombies.

And though Zed appreciated everything Danielle would've risked for him... his eyes only looked over at Addison.

Addison was a beautiful and Danielle would never deny that, but she always felt like she had never been seen before (no pun intended) until she met Zed. She'd grown up with Vanessa and that had been her best friend till the day she died.

But she never seen anyone look at her the way she thought Zed was looking at her, but maybe she'd been mistaken.

Maybe she was confusing liking someone and the kindness that they shared.

She couldn't tell you why she felt so hurt. She's never expressed romantics feelings towards anyone before. Was this what... heartbreak felt like? Sure it was a very dramatic stretch, but she liked Zed's company and how she felt with him and for that to be thrown away for some... lifer, kinda hurt.

Plus, her little blue ghost gas stopped showing up around the time Zed began his popularity game.

She didn't know what it was and she didn't have any answers.

She didn't see any point of going to her father about any of this because why help could he bring? Danielle knew that he was very busy with the store and making sure the zombies stayed in control.

Danielle felt stuck.

She knew who she was to some extent... but being a teenage ghost girl was so much harder than what her dad explained.

Popularity is a joke and Danielle wouldn't fall into that category.

Popularity is a joke and Danielle wouldn't fall into that category

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

guys i went to the beach and had a horror time 😭 anyways back on my zed shit

they ate bamm up idc

they ate bamm up idc

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bye :))))

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