THREE. mr. "steal" your girl

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DANIELLE NEVER skipped school and though she didn't really like her high school, she needed her diploma to get out of there permanently, but her ghosting seemed a little too important

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DANIELLE NEVER skipped school and though she didn't really like her high school, she needed her diploma to get out of there permanently, but her ghosting seemed a little too important. So, skipping biology to sneak into her own home seemed reasonable.

Danielle found herself i her fathers lab and began flipping through pages of his own notes and what he'd gathered from the ghost world.

"Ghost spawn." Danny called.

Danielle slowly turned and held a sheepish smile, "Didn't think you'd be home."

"Well you should've. It's Tuesday, Dani. Shops closed. Why are you home?"

Danielle couldn't find a good excuse this time around. Though she did try and say she left her "special" pencil at home... but that obviously didn't work.

"Dani, you're just like me." Danny said, resting his hands on her shoulder, "A horrible liar."

She shrugged his hands off of her shoulders and sat down on a nearby chair.

"There's a new color coming out of me and I want answers."

Danny nodded, grabbed a book from his desk and sat down beside Danielle.

"What color?"


"Ah." He said and began flipping the pages, "Do you know what kind of pink? We have to be specific in order to find what we're looking for."

"That's stupid."

"That's apart of being a ghost, Dani. I didn't ask for it and... now you're stuck with it."

Danielle sighed, "It was like a really light pink color... like a highlighter pink."

"Oh! You should've just said that!" He said, shutting the book, "Dani, you've found your person."

"My person?"

Danny turned and faced Danielle, "Do you know the difference between platonic and romantic?"

Danielle stood to her feet, "No!"

"Well, platonic is-"

"I know what it is! I can't have this happen to me. You didn't have to go through any of this."

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