FOUR. jealousy jealousy

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TO SAY that Danielle was heartbroken felt like a stretch but she didn't know how to truly explain how she felt

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TO SAY that Danielle was heartbroken felt like a stretch but she didn't know how to truly explain how she felt.

Zed had seemingly been more attracted to Addison then what he previously had been with Danielle.

"Hey, can we talk?" Zed asked.

Danielle shut her locker and faced him.

Vanessa pushed Danielle back and held her hands on her hips, "You have some nerve."

"Don't you have a cheer thing?" Danielle asked.

Vanessa quickly side eyed Danielle pointing her fingers towards Zed and walked off.

"What's up with her?"

"She's a cheerleader. She's weird." Danielle answered, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"This is... but you seem down. We haven't really talked since the first game."

"I wonder why?" Danielle asked with a smile, "Maybe that pretty cheerleader corrupted your mind." She said, hitting his arm.

He quickly hissed at the contact and she furrowed her brows.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zed sighed, "You can't tell anyone."

"Trust me. I've got a lot of secrets too."

"Eliza's been hacking my Z-Band so I can win games."

"Every game?" She asked with furrowed brows. Zed rolled the sleeve of his shirt up to show Danielle her his very textured and bruised arm. She felt her mouth fall slightly at the sight, "You can't keep doing that. Do you know how much damage you're doing to yourself?"

"We have one more game and then football season is over."

"So winning games is more important than you becoming so monster?" She asked, "The more you mess with your Z-Band the worst the monsters gonna be."

"It's just one last game-"

"Would you stop using your Z-Band if Addison told you to?"

Jealously hadn't been something that Danielle experienced often. She had been jealous of her father and how he'd been able to control his ghost abilities since he was 13, but being jealous of someone like Addison had never crossed Danielle's mind.

"What are you talking about?" Zed asked.

"Is there something that you wanted from me? Or is this about how you're going to convince me that your Z-Band isn't kinda killing you?"

"I need help with..."


"My date with Addison. I'm meeting her parents."

Danielle chuckled, "I'm busy. Actually."

"Suddenly busy?"

"It's not sudden... it's not sudden. It's appropriately timed."

She rested her hand against her locker and it had ghosted through. She held wide eyes trying to get it out.

"See how appropriately timed that was?" She asked, pulling at her arm, "Can you guard me?"

Zed turned around with a sigh, making sure no one would be coming close.

"I just need help looking more human."

"I can clearly help you with that." She grunted.

"Really?" He smiled.

He turned to face her. Her face resting in a position that made her look... tired."

"Sarcasm. I got it." He said, turning back around, "I just want to impress them."

"Then be yourself."

"They hate zombies."

"Then their out of luck." She sighed, pulling her arm one last time and it finally ghosted back and she was free. She faced Zed, "Is it really that important that you impress her parents. I'm sure that they have some dirty secret too."

"They're human."

"And you're a zombie and I'm half ghost."

"And you haven't been yourself around these people."

"And you have?" She asked, "You're hurting yourself to impress people. Is it really worth it?"

"If it gets people to understand zombies? Then yes, it's all worth it."

Danielle sighed, "I can't help you. I've got to figure out this ghosting thing before it gets worst. Good luck tonight."

Danielle wrapped her arms around her torso, underneath her cardigan and walked off.

Maybe Danielle and Zed weren't meant to be no matter what that stupid blue gas meant. She wasn't going to lie around and wait for some guy that had his eyes on another.

She knew what she wanted and she knew she couldn't have it... maybe it was time to move on.

 maybe it was time to move on

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

y'all simping for wyatt like 🧍 no problem but did you know he's also spin in lab rats it's okay i like wyatt also 🤭 still haven't seen the 2nd or 3rd zombies movie so 🧍

y'all these acts on gonna short like... 1-6 chapters long 🙏

 1-6 chapters long 🙏

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bye :))))

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