ONE. the ghost girl and the maybe repair man

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CONTRARY TO popular belief, Seabrook was pretty much that same

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CONTRARY TO popular belief, Seabrook was pretty much that same. They allowed the zombies and that one ghost girl to return to school with the other humans and everything seemed to be... normal. Well, the new normal.

Some people had still been on the fence about the zombies and the ghost, but majority rules and they would stay with rest of humankind.

But that ghost family... it was strange. Danielle and Danny Fenton had been out and about. They were able to attend work and school just like the zombies... but that didn't mean Danielle wanted to.

I mean, she had nothing against the zombies obviously, but with her damning crush on Zed who was sorta... kind of dating Addison she wanted to step away from him even though he was one of the people who helped keep her ghost abilities in control.

Which would be very helpful in her current situation.

Her best friend Vanessa had been at cheer camp for the past couple of days. Which meant, Danielle was alone and she didn't really know what to do with her free time.

So, she would venture into the woods. It wasn't too far from her house or the family business so she felt safe going there alone.

She hadn't even been on that walk for twenty minutes when she heard footsteps around her.

Danielle paused. A small blue gas leaving her as she slapped her hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

The noise stopped and when she tried to move, she couldn't.

Her legs ghosted into the ground and she wasn't budging unless she called out for help or figured out how to uproot herself from the ground.

"Don't freak. Don't freak." She muttered to herself, "Just... think."

What Danielle hadn't know was that all the cheerleaders were back, werewolves were out, and she (along with other zombies) would soon be separated from the humans once more.

Truly, that didn't matter in the moment. She was stuck in the ground and something was out in the woods and she was becoming more and more scared.

"Need help?"

She glanced up and saw a boy who she assumed was around her age. He wore a blue jumper and a hard hat, glasses pushed up.

"Um... no?" Danielle chuckled, pulling at her leg, "I think I've buried myself a little too deep. Silly me."

The boy nodded and continued to make his way towards her, "Didn't you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"About these "werewolves". You gotta get out of here before they think you're one of them."

Danielle scoffed, continuing to pull on her one leg, "Please. What's next vampires?"


Danielle stopped abruptly and stood upright. She finally took in the boys appearance. He was a couple inches taller than her, but that would be false in the moment because she was stuck in the ground.

"Are you new in town?" She asked, "It's a zombie filled place with human suck ups." As she spoke, her blue gas slipped out once more, "Plus two ghost."

The boy smiled, holding his hand out for Danielle to grab. She reluctantly grabbed it.

He easily lifted her from the ground and saw that she clearly had no legs until he placed her on top of the rugged area of the woods.

"I guess you're one of those human suck ups, huh?" He joked.

Danielle smiled awkwardly, bending down to dust the dirt off of her legs before standing upright.

"What are you? One of those werewolves?"

"They aren't real."

Danielle took note of his serious tone and rested her hands on her hips.

"Everything is real in Seabrook. Zombies, ghost, werewolves. I wouldn't be surprised if fairies started flying around." She laughed.

"I think you should head back into town."

Danielle found the boy odd. She's never met him, let alone seen him around Seabrook.

She didn't question his actions as she turned to head back into town.

"Wait!" He called, "What's your name?"

Danielle turned, a small smile ghosting her face, "Ghost girl."

With that, she poofed from the scene and left the boy alone.

Seabrook had always been full of mythical creatures... this was something new that the people or the zombies haven't encountered and they were terrified.

But that ghost girl wasn't and that's what made her different.

But that ghost girl wasn't and that's what made her different

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

wyatt, zed doesn't matter this is a zed story i'm not gonna switch up UNLESS i'm asked by more than one person

anyways 12k reads :D

anyways 12k reads :D

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bye :))))

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