FIVE. the long awaited father-daughter talk

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DANNY FENTON was just fourteen when his parents built a very machine

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DANNY FENTON was just fourteen when his parents built a very machine. It was designed to view a world unseen.

It didn't quite work, his folks just quick. But when Danny took a look inside of it, there was a great big flash, everything just changed. His molecules got all rearranged.

A sob story truly. Anyways, that's basically Danny's backstory. Traumatic for most, but life changing for Danny.

And because this affected Danny it also affected Danielle. Who hadn't really told her father about how bad her ghosting was.

Which was going to change today.

Danielle made her way down to her father's lab. New gadgets lined the walls and the portal to the ghost world opened with the lime green light hitting the floors.

"Hey, child spawn." Danny smiled, turning towards her, "What's up?"

"Can we talk?" She asked.

"Sure." He said, setting the beaker of ectoplasm down and pushed his chair towards Danielle, "How are ya, Dani?"

"Um, it's about this ghost stuff going on."

"Ah, you've gone through puberty. It's normal, Danielle. Everyone goes through it and it's nothing more than growing up into the mature woman that you are."

"No, no. It's not that." She quickly shut down, "It's about how my ghosting isn't really... perfect."

"Oh... now that makes more sense. What's the problem?"

As Danielle listed her issues he father could only laugh at her. She held furrowed brows and she put her fingers down.

"Are you laughing at me?" She asked, "I came down here for advice. This has been going on for months and-"

"Months? And you're only telling me now?" He asked standing.

Danielle had never been intimidated by her father. He'd never been too serious with anything in his life. But she did coward back once he stood and the tone in his voice.

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