Chapter 4

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"Okay so let me get this straight, not only did Munro call himself a slut and apologize to you in front of everyone but he also posted it on instagram, and then defended you from Seth. And on top of all that you're now gonna give him a job at the cafe?" She stares at me with a dumbfounded look not believing that all of this has happened in one day.

"Uh yeah that pretty much sums it all up." I say casually as we continue our walk home.

"How are you not freaking out about this?!!" She grabs my shoulders and shakes me. I laugh at her reaction and shake my head.

"Trust me I know, all of this is truly insane. But I had my time to freak out about this and process everything. Honestly at this point I'm just so relieved that the rumor is put to rest." I myself still couldn't believe that all of this happened, I never thought that Munro would have gone through with the deal I offered him. But I think what surprised me the most was the fact that he apologized and he seemed sincere about it.

"So are you actually going to get him a job at the cafe?" She asks not able to believe all of this.

I let out a sigh "As much as I don't want to, I did tell him he would get the job if he did that and posted on social media. Plus he even apologized." She nods her head in understanding as we stop in front of her house.

"Well you let me know if he causes you any trouble at work, I'll come running over there and beat his ass." I burst out laughing and gave her a hug. I love this girl.

"I'll see you tomorrow, thanks again for everything." Once she goes inside I continue the rest of the short walk to my house.

Once I enter my house I toss my keys on the table near the door and make my way to the kitchen cause your girl's always hungry.

Stopping in my tracks from my right, a pile of papers sit atop the kitchen counter, lifting the papers, I take a closer look. Sighing, once I see that most of them are bills that are past due. My head shoots up once I hear the sound of keys jingling at the front door.

I hear my little brother Mateo's footsteps running towards the kitchen "Violetta!!" He calls, coming into view, his chestnut brown curls flopping in each step as he runs towards me. A huge smile spread across his little face, dimples on either side, he threw his arms. Picking him up mirroring his expression.

Mateo and I have a very close relationship, in a way I'm kind of like a second parent to him especially since my mom has to pick up extra shifts sometimes. I don't mind at all though, I want him to have the best childhood and for him to know that he's loved.

"Mateo!!!" I yell back excitedly, "How was school buddy?"

"It was awesome!! I made this new friend today and she's amazing!" He says with a grin on his face.

"Well that's awesome! I'm gonna talk to mom really quickly, how about you find a movie for us to watch tonight?" I say, placing him down.

"Okay!" He scurries towards the living room as my mom begins to walk into the kitchen.

"Oh, just the person I needed to talk to." I say to my mom as I give her a quick hug and she laughs.

"What? Am I in trouble?" She asks, setting her purse down on the counter.

"No, but I am kind of upset with you." I pull out the bills from before holding them in front of her, her face slightly pales as she sees them. "Why didn't you tell me about this? I can help you!"

"My love, I don't want you to have to worry about these kinds of things. You're a teenager! This shouldn't have to be your responsibility." Her voice slightly shakes as she speaks. My heart sinks a little at the sound of her tone, instinctively reaching over to hold her.

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