Chapter 9

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Imogen and I drove to the school, I was pretty quiet a majority of the ride. Although I went to school for the meeting, I haven't actually been there for a whole school day yet so needless to say I was pretty anxious.

We walked into the school and made our way to our lockers but it's as if time has slowed down for me. All I could hear were the whispers surrounding me.

'I heard she's the reason Seth got suspended'

'Did you see what she was wearing? She was basically asking for it'

'Seth said she begged for it'

I could feel my lungs closing in and it was becoming harder and harder to breathe.

"Hey." I jump a little at the sound of Imogen's voice as her hand touches my shoulder. "It's okay, I'm here." I nod, not being able to form any words at the moment.

The school day wasn't the best, throughout the whole day people were talking about me and blaming me. There was not one person that believed my side of the story, other than the people that already knew. They were all just so concerned that they wouldn't get their precious hockey player back. I knew that there would be people that wouldn't believe my side of the story of course but I didn't think it would be this bad and I didn't think it would hurt me this much.

While Imogen and I were walking to our lunch table I could just feel people glaring at me from all around the cafeteria. But I tried my best to avoid the stares I got and continued to walk to the table.

Imogen and I were eating when suddenly two people sat down across from us. I looked up and saw Munro and Tate sitting there.

"Umm why are you sitting here?" I asked very suspiciously, raising my eyebrow at them in a questioning manner.

"Um, last I checked this was a free country." I rolled my eyes at Munro's response. Douche.

"Hi! I'm Tate." Tate's dimpled smile spreads across his face. Tate was one of the nicer hockey players in our school, I didn't really talk to him much but he was always more polite and not as stuck up as the rest of them, he's also Munro's best friend.

"Tate, we've known you since kindergarten." Imogen says in a monotone voice looking at him like he's the dumbest person.

"Well I know that but we never really talked to each other." He says it as if he feels guilty for not speaking to us sooner.

"Which leads us back to my question, why are you guys here?"

"Well, Munro was pretty persistent about us sitting here today, he said-" Before Tate could finish his sentence he was cut off by Munro smacking the back of his head and sending a death glare his way.

"You talk too much." Munro shakes his head, picking at his food  as Tate begins to rub the back of his head.

"Your words hurt you know, just as much as your actions!" Tate dramatically raised his voice at him as he continued to rub the back of his head. Making both Imogen and I hysterically laugh.

"So, you worried about me Rosario?" I tease him once my laughter dies down.

"Shut up." He looks down at his food and has a smirk planted on his face.

Once lunch was over Munro and I realized that we both had class together so we started to head over there. I took my usual seat and took my jacket off, placing it on the back of my chair before I began to take my books out.

"Alright everyone, we're gonna get started." Mr. Nelson says right as someone was raising their hand.

"Uh yes, Daniel." He points to Daniel's raised hand.

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