Chapter 11

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After School we all decided to go out somewhere to eat so that we could celebrate our little victory, Alex was also joining us. We decided on going to a Japanese restaurant that was nearby.

"I really can't believe that we didn't get detention or suspended!" Tate said as we all started to eat our food.

"I know! But honestly if he did suspend all of us that would have looked bad on him." Imogen shrugs.

From the corner of my eye I see Munro trying to take a piece of my food, as soon as I see him I quickly smack his hand away. "Don't try to take my food!" I yell at him, he pulls his hand back acting as if it actually hurt him.

"But your food looks so good." He pouts while looking at it, he looked adorable if I was being honest.

"Well then maybe you should have ordered it too." Shrugging as I take a bite of my food.

"Hey! Sharing is caring." He tells me.

"Who said I care?" My face turns serious and his mouth drops open before we both break out into laughter.

My phone then lights up, causing me to look down to see my mom calling. Grabbing my phone and raising it to my ear. "Hey mom, everything okay?"

"Everything is fine sweetheart. But they just called me into work and I need you to watch Mateo for me." The smile on my face immediately drops as I hear those words. It's not that I mind watching Mateo, I always love to but it's just really tough that I can't hang out with my friends sometimes and it sucks that I have to worry about things that most teenagers don't have to worry about.

I feel a nudge on my shoulder breaking me out of my train of thoughts. Looking to my right I see Munro's face covered in concern as if to ask me if I was okay. Shaking my head and give him a small smile before I respond to my mom.

"Uh yeah Mom, I can do it. I'll be home in about 15 minutes." She thanks me before we end the call.

"Um sorry guys I have to get going, my mom needs me to watch Mateo." I begin getting my belongings together along with taking out some cash to cover my portion of the bill.

"Well why don't we just go to your place then?" Munro's voice causes me to turn over to look at him. "I mean we're practically done with our food and we could all just do something at your house." He shrugs.

"Ooo Like Karaoke!" Imogen suggests and everyone begins to agree with the idea which causes me to smile. I turn to Munro and mouth 'thank you' to him as everyone continues to talk.

After deciding on what we would do we all paid for the bill and started to make our way to my house. I opened the door to see my mom gathering all of her things together.

"Hi mom! I hope you don't mind but I brought some friends over." Greeting her as I close the door behind me once everyone has entered.

"Oh of course not!" She smiles and says hello to everyone before her eyes land on Munro. "Oh, it's nice to see you again honey!" Her smile lights up even more.

"It's nice to see you too Ms. Cabello." He smiles at her and takes us both by surprise when he gives her a hug.

She then makes her way to the front door but not before she quietly says to me "I really like that boy, very handsome too." I don't even get a chance to respond since she heads straight out the door.

I feel Munro's presence behind me and I can already feel the smirk on his face "Your mom thinks I'm handsome." I looked up to him and yup I was right, the smirk was there.

"Oh shut up." I roll my eyes at him, he then leans down to my ear.

"The question you?' He looks into my eyes and I feel my heart beating fast as we just look into eachothers eyes.

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