Chapter 10

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"So what's the idea?" Munro is the first one to speak as he crosses his arms and leans against the wall.

"Just a fair warning, it's gonna cost you guys to stay up late with me." I made sure to warn them before continuing.

"What kind of kinky shit are you trying to get us to do with you?" Munro looks at me as if I've grown two heads and Alex starts laughing at his comment.

"Will you two get your heads out of the gutter?!" I smack Munro's arm.

"Ow!" He holds his arm. "Alright alright, I'm sorry, continue." He gestures for me to go on as his laughter slowly dies down.

"Well I was thinking that maybe we could make shirts or tank tops, maybe even both, saying that it's my body and my choice. And I was thinking that since you're Mr.Popular at our school that you could convince enough people to also wear them?" My voice goes up hoping that he will agree to it.

"So you're using me?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Maybe." I look up at him. "Do you mind?" I ask.

"Will this really help you feel better?" I quickly nod my head.

"Then no I don't mind." We both smiled at each other for a few moments until Alex clears his throat and we look away from each other.

Right after our shift we all went to the store to buy the supplies that we needed for our little project. While we were at the store Munro was calling and texting a bunch of different people to see who would participate in what we had planned. I also made sure to text Imogen and Indigo to fill them in on everything and they both immediately agreed to take part in it, as well as agreeing to tell everyone they know.

After we got all the supplies that we needed we headed back to my house and got started on making the shirts right away. It took us a few hours to finish everything and the guys were a very big help so I decided to order us some pizza to show my appreciation.

I was folding the shirts and placing them in a bag for tomorrow when the doorbell rang, I ran over to pay the delivery guy. I set the box of pizza down on the kitchen counter and went to the cabinet to take out three plates.

"Guys! Pizza is here!" I yell out to them as I place the plates on the counter.

"Uh I don't think that Alex is gonna be having any." Munro walks into the kitchen and points behind him in the direction of where Alex is, I peer my head over to see that Alex is fast asleep on the couch, cuddling one of the couch pillows.

Aw he looks so peaceful

"Well I guess it'll just be you and I then." I take a slice, placing it on my plate and then sit down, Munro following my actions and takes a seat next to me.

"Thank you again for helping out today." I take a bite out of my pizza. Never would I have thought that Munro and I would be sitting in my kitchen and eating pizza together.

"It's the least I could do." He sounded a bit guilty, causing me to give him a questioning look. "I just still feel really bad about the whole instagram thing. I feel like all of this is my fault, that maybe if that post hadn't been made then you wouldn't have had to go through what you did." I immediately shake my head and move a bit closer to him.

"Munro, I've already forgiven you, what happened to me wasn't your fault. If it wasn't for you things would have gotten a lot worse for me. The only person to blame for that is Seth. You've helped me a lot and you've made sure that I'm okay. So please don't beat yourself up over this." He places his hand on top of mine looking down.

"Rosario." He says looking up at me as he strokes his thumb on the top of my hand.

"What?" My eyebrows furrowed together.

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